Regular Meeting
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
7:00 p.m.

The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the Robert H. Whitney Board of Education Meeting Room at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2018.  Mr. Keith Stoner, Vice-President, called the meeting to order. Roll was called by the Treasurer.

Roll Call – Members present: Dr. Martin Gottsdchling, Mr. Dave Roberts, Mr. Rob Schuster, Mr, Keith Stoner ---4

                  Absent: Mr. Bob Whitney -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1


                        Marsha DeVito addressed the Board and thanked them for their support of field trips to various companies throughout the community. Mrs. DeVito indicated this will be the 4th year of these filed trips and noted that the program continues to grow an dhas been a great success for students.  Mrs. DeVito also noted that there will also be job shadowing opportunities for juniors through Ohio Health. Mr. Ziegelhofer shared some of the opportunities students have been able to experience while visiting the various companies.

Mr. Stoner welcomed visitors to the meeting and asked if any visitors would like to be recognized. 

Visitor Mr. Sainiak inquired as to the status of parent access to lesson plans through Schoology. High School Principal, Kevin Young, noted that these are due from teachers by Monday, August 27th, and that parents should have access through their student's account at that time.

  Visitors Barbara and George Isaman inquired about plans for current facilities should the building project pass in November. Mr. Ziegelhofer shared that the current project includes cost for abating and demolishing of the current buidlings but added that no final decisions have been made at this point. Mr. & Mrs. Isaman indicated that they support new schools for the students but expressed concern regarding their property and others located behind Western Elementary. Mr. Ziegelhofer noted that should the decision be made to demolish Western Elementary, there should be no reason that any private property behind Western would be impacted.


36-18   Motion by Mr. Schuster, seconded by Mr. Roberts to approve the following financial items:

1. The minutes from the July regular meeting were approved.

2. The monthly financial report for July 2018was presented.

3. Accepted a donation from Therm-O-Disc/Emerson Charitable Trust in the amount of $1,000 for student academic and cultural activities.

       Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Schuster, Mr. Roberts, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Stoner ----4

                  Nay: None -------------------------------------------------------------------0 

          Absent: Mr. Whitney ------------------------------------------------------1

      Motion adopted.  


37-18  Motion by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Dr. Gottschling to approve the following personnel items:


Robotics Clubs: Approved the recommendation to create a Junior High Robotics Club and an Eastern Elementary Robotics Club for the 2018-2019 school year.

Employment: Approved the employment of the following personnel fo rthe 2018-2019 school year following successful completion of all pre-employment requirements:

Linda Collins  - Advisor, Junior High Robotics Club

Kayla Heimann - Advisor, Eastern Elementary Robotics Club

Gretchen Winner - Part-time, long term sub at Central, Title I reading, daily rated based on base salary, effective, August 16, 2018

Janet Rhodebeck - Long term sub at Central, Art, $110.00 per day, Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, effective August 17, 2018 until approximately January 1, 2019

Ferrol Rhinehart - Six hours of ESL services, $10.00 per hour between May 30 - August 17, 2018

Jen Moore - Key Club Advisor

Jennifer Morris - Academic mentor, for 2018-2019 school year, four hours per week

Olivia Smith - ESL tutoring for 2018-2019 school year

Heiden Eichorn - ESL tutoring for 2018-2019 school year

Administering and scoring the DRA tests for the 2018-2019 school year at the substitute teacher pay rate:

Barb Durchik     Michelle Lillo          

Heiden Eichorn  Jody Rutschilling     

Christina Rose  Margaret Martin         

Salary Adjustment: Approve the salary adjustment for the following:

Jillian Noblet from BS +10 to BS +20

Jeff Meyer from BS +10 to BS +20

Denise Benson from MS + 20 to MS + 30

   Sarah Freundlich from MS + 20 to MS + 30

Megan McCammon from MA to MA +10

Sandy Weber from MA +10 to MA +20

Carla Pasheilich - BS + 10 to BS + 20

Marsha Haas from ME +10 to ME + 20

Susan Young from ME +30 to ME + 40

Rachel Smith from ME +30 to ME + 40

Ryan Knuckles from ME to ME + 10


Resignation: Accepted the resignations:

Marqua Myers - Food Service, effective August 15, 2018

John Hetrick - Transporation, effective August 6, 2018

Delmon Rose - Transporation, 2 hour bus aide

Biffiny Boozer - Educational aide,  effective August 20, 2018

Employment:  Approved the employment of the following pending successful completion of all pre-employment requirements:

Melissa Lewis - Food Service, 2 hour general help, effective August 15, 2018

Amy Bodjanac - Substitute educational aide

Sharon Fesmier - Substitute educational aide

Delmon Rose - Transporation, bus route, two-year contract, effective August 17, 2018

Other Business:  

Coaching Resignation: Accepted the coaching resignation of Denise Benson as high school track coach for the 2018-2019 school year.

Coaching Recommendations: Approved the coaching recommendations for the 2018-2019 school year:

Kevin Foglesong - Freshman boys' soccer

Misty Robertson - Freshman girls' soccer

Vincent Sansalone - 8th grade football

Mike Wellin - 8th grade football

Jake Shramko - Volunteer cross country

Kevin Conrad - Volunteer football

Michael Lamp - Volunteer junior high volleyball

Chris Parker - Volunteer boys' soccer

Tuition Student: Approved the following tuition students for 2018-2019 school year:

Gabriella Morando - Continuing, grade 11

Vincent Morando - Continuing, grade 10

Tessa Gerhardt - Tuition waived following Board policy following parents working in the district

Hannah Munholland - Grade 12, tuition waived per Board policy allowing senior student to attend tuition free when parent has moved out of the district

Nurses:  Approved the following for the 2018-2019 school year:

Sandy Kautz - Full-time LPN

Kay Huff - Substitute LPN

Dairy & Bread Bid:  Approved Smith Dairy as the dairy supplier and NIckles Bakery as the bread supplier.  This follows the MEC bid for school year 2018-2019.

Career-Technical Education: Approved a resolution to not provide career-technical education in grade 7 and 8.

Substitute List:  Approved the revised Lexington substitute list dated 08/16/2018 as presented by MOESC

          Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Stoner----4

                            Nay: None -----------------------------------------------------0

       Absent: Mr. Whitney----------------------------------------1

             Motion adopted.  



1. Cook Road Land - Mr. Ziegelhofer shared with the Board details of land being sold on Cook Road to a conversation group and the potential impact on tax reenue for the District. The group received a Green Ohio Grant for the purchase adn plan to use the land for green space that will be adjacent to the bike path. Through communication ith Richland County, two of the five parcels of land are located in the Lexington School District, and the District collected approximately $1,200 annually from this land.

2. Junior High Time Capsule - Mr. Ziegelhofer shared with the Board details of a map to a time capsule that was discovered within paperwork located at the junior high Mr. Ziegelhofer noted that the contents of the time capsule were buried by the Class of 1981 and were dug up last week. Videos, pictures, and details of this have been included on the District Facebook page.

 Mr. Whitney arrived at 7:45 p.m.


38-18 Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Schuster to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing and negotiations.

Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Stoner, Mr. Schuster,  Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney-----5

           Nay: None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 

  Motion adopted

Time entered: 7:49 p.m.

Returned to regular session:  8:23 p.m.


1. New Facility Locker Rooms - Mr. Whitney inquired as to the location of locker rooms within any potential new facilities for the District, noting theseshould be near the stadium as they currently are. Mr. Ziegelhofer noted the current facilities plans do include space for the locker rooms, and these would be located near the current stadium.


52-17 Motion by Mr. Stoner seconded by Mr. Schuster to adjourn.                                                8:39 p.m.       

             Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Stoner, Mr. Schuster,  Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney----5

                               Nay: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

          Motion adopted.

Certificate Section 5705.412, Ohio Revised Code

It is hereby certified that the Lexington Local School District Board of Education, Richland County, Ohio, has sufficient funds to meet the contract agreement, obligation, payment or expenditure for the above, and has in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year and succeeding fiscal year the authorization to levy taxes which, when combined with the estimated revenue from all other sources available to the district at the time of certification, are sufficient to provide operating revenues necessary to enable the district to operate an adequate educational program on all days set forth in its adopted school calendar for the current fiscal year and for a number of days in the succeeding fiscal year equal to the number of days instruction was or is scheduled for the current fiscal year.                                                                               



Superintendent ____________________________