Regular Meeting

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

7:00 p.m.

The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the boardroom at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. 

Mr. Robert Whitney, President, called the meeting to order. Roll was called by the Treasurer. 

Roll Call – Members present: Mr. Loren Blackstone, Mr. Jeff Heck, Mr. Keith Stoner, Mrs. Sue Weirich, Mr. Robert Whitney -------5


Mr. Whitney welcomed visitors to the meeting and asked if any visitors would like to be recognized.


   30-15   Motion by Mr. Heck, seconded by Mrs. Weirich to approve the following financial items:

               1. The minutes from the May regular meeting were approved.

2. The monthly financial report for May 2015 was presented.

3. Approved final appropriations for Fiscal Year 2015.

4.  Approved temporary appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016 at the fund level set at 50% of Fiscal Year 2015 actual expenditures.

5.  Approved an advance from 001 0000 General Fund to 599 9015 Child Nutrition - Team Nutrition Grant in the amount of $1,200 to alleviate year-end deficit fund balance.

6.  Approved an advance from 001 0000 General Fund to 516 9015 IDEA-B Grant i the amount of $1,700 to lleviate year -end deficit fund balance.

7.  Approved the renewal property, fleet and liability insurance with the Ohio School Plan fo the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, cost $59, 821.

           Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Heck, Mrs. Weirich,  Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Whitney-------5

                    Nay: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 

          Motion adopted 


31-15 Motion by Mr. Heck, seconded by Mr. Stoner to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing.

             Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Heck, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Blackstone, Mrs. Weirich, Mr. Whitney--------------5

                                 Nay: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                               Motion adopted.

            The Board entered into executive session at 7:13 pm.

            The Board returned to open session at 7:32 pm.


32-15  Motion by Mr. Blackstone, seconded by Mr. Heck, to approve the following personnel items:


Resignation:  Accepted the resignation of the following:

Whitney Farrar - High School English, at the conclusion of the 2014-2015 school year

Patty Hayes - Western Elementary, 1st grade, at the conclusion of the 2015-2015 school year

Sandra Deluca - MFE/ETR chairperson for the 2015-2106 school year

Leave of Absence - Approve the leave of absence for Jen Dewald, Junior High English for the 2015-2016 school year

       Employment: Approved the employment of:

 Alyssa Horn  - High School Choir Director supplemental for the 2015-2016 school year

            Katie Rogers  - 6th grade teacher, Eastern Elementary, one year contract, effective August 21, 2015

            Lauren Pahl  - Long-term sub, Eastern 6th grade, for the 2015-2016 school year, effective August 21, 2015

            Rachel Frantz - Jr. High English, one year contract, effective August 21, 2015

            Mark Hoover  -  Jr. High Science, one year contract, effective August 21, 2015

            Christa Pore - Western 1st grade, one year contract, effective August 21, 2015

            Sarah Pearce - Long-term sub, Junior High English for the 2015-2016 school year, effective August 21, 2015

            Cheryl Longnecker - Eastern MFE/ETR chairperson for the 2015-2016 school year

 Summer school teachers August 3 – August 20, 2015, with a stipend of $1,200.00

             Deb Ray                                  Liz Savka

             Amy Richwine                         Dani Hogan

             Tina Parr                                  Stephanie Wilson

             Cara Pelphrey                          Cheryl Longnecker

             Stephanie Saurers                    Kayla Heimann

             Lynn Walters                           Kathy Weidig – Summer School Director

             Annette Rush                           Carla Jones (sub)

             Edwina Brownell                     Jean Worley (sub)

             Amy Stewart                            Joanne Maxey (sub)

Salary Adjustments:  Approve the salary adjustment for Kayla Heimann from ME to ME + 10.


            Employment: Approve the employment of:

 Brenda Kehrle - Substitute educational aide, effective 4-14-15

 Kimberly Earick - Substitute educational aide for the 2015-2016 school year

Other Business:  

Tuition Students:  Approved the following tuition students for the 2015-2016 school year:

Caroline Haring - Continuing, grade 12

David Haring - New, grade 10

Coaching Recommendations:  Approve the following coaching recommendations for 2015-2016:

                        Mike Grist - JV boys’ basketball

                        Buck Morton - 8th grade boys’ basketball

                        Kevin Morrow  - 7th grade boys’ basketball

                        Lauren Pahl - Junior High cheerleading advisor

                        Elaine McQuillen  - 8th grade girls’ basketball

                        Jonathan ‘Tad” Davis  - Volunteer boys’ basketball

                        Jason Rice - Volunteer boys’ basketball

                        Todd Depperschmidt   - Volunteer girls’ basketball

    Student Tutor: Approved Josh Hassmann as a summer tutor, to be paid $9.00 per hour effective June 5, 2015 – August 24, 2015.

            Dairy and Bread Bid: Approved Smith Dairy & Nickles Bakery as our dairy & bread supplier for the 2015-2016 school year.

            Recommend the approval of the enclosed contract with Dr. Dennis Marikis for Psychologist services for the 2015-2016 school year.

    Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Heck, Mr. Stoner, Mrs. Weirich, Mr. Whitney-----------5 

                         Nay: None -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------0  

            Motion adopted 

Discussion Item:

1. Roof Projects – Discussed advancing $200,000 from General Fund to PI to be repaid in 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 to assist in covering the cost of Western and Eastern Elementary roof projects. This advance allows for the costs associated with the roof pprojects to be spread over 3 years, which will allow other permanent improvement projects to occur. The Board asked that this $200,000 advance be included for approval on the July agenda.


33-15 Motion by Mr. Heck, seconded by Mr. Stoner to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing.

             Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Heck, Mrs. Weirich, Mr. Whitney--------------5

                              Nay: None ------------------------------------------------_------------------------------------0

                               Motion adopted.

            The Board entered into executive session at 7:40 pm.

            The Board returned to open session at 8:27 pm.


34-15 Motion by Mr. Heck, seconded by Mrs. Weirich to adjourn.                                8:42 p.m              

             Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Heck, Mrs. Weirich, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner Mr. Whitney -------------------------5

                              Nay: None-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                             Motion adopted.                     

Certificate Section 5705.412, Ohio Revised Code

It is hereby certified that the Lexington Local School District Board of Education, Richland County, Ohio, has sufficient funds to meet the contract agreement, obligation, payment or expenditure for the above, and has in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year and succeeding fiscal year the authorization to levy taxes which, when combined with the estimated revenue from all other sources available to the district at the time of certification, are sufficient to provide operating revenues necessary to enable the district to operate an adequate educational program on all days set forth in its adopted school calendar for the current fiscal year and for a number of days in the succeeding fiscal year equal to the number of days instruction was or is scheduled for the current fiscal year.                                                                               



Superintendent ____________________________