Regular Meeting
September 19, 2012
7:14 P.M.

The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the boardroom at 7:14 p.m. on Wednesday, September 19, 2012.  Mr. Robert Whitney, President, called the meeting to order.  Roll was called by the Treasurer. 

Roll Call – Members present:  Mr. Loren Blackstone, Mr. Jeff Heck, Mr. Keith Stoner, Mrs. Karen Wilson, Mr. Robert Whitney  -----------------5


High School Principal, Jeremy Secrist, introduced the 2012-2013 Student Representative to the Board, Kate Cropp, who presented her report

        Mr. Whitney stated he received numerous items of correspondence including an anonymous letter, several magazines and promotional materials, and the Pioneer newsletter.


60-12    Motion by Mrs. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Heck to approve the following financial items:

         1.   The minutes from the August regular meeting.

                 2.   The monthly financial report for August 2012 was presented.

                 3.   Permanent Appropriations for FY 2013 at fund level.

              Roll Call – Yea: Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Heck, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Whitney-------5

    Nay: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

    Motion adopted.


61-12   Motion by Mr. Blackstone, seconded by Mr. Stoner, to approve the following personnel items:


Salary Adjustment:  Approve the following salary adjustments:

Michelle Lillo - ME + 20 to ME + 30

Chris Dekker - MA + 30 to MA + 40

Sally Giefer - ME + 10 to ME + 20

Resignation:   Accepted the resignation of John Harris, Athletic Director, effective July 1, 2013.

Employment :  Approve the employment of the following for the 2012-2013 school year:

Michelle Olecki - Six additional work days at the end of 11-12 school year


Retirement::  Approve the retirement of Linda Rinehart, Treasurer’s Office, effective January 1, 2013.

Employment:  Approve the recommendations to hire the following:

Waynette Chase - Food Service, 2 hour general help at High School, effective August 27, 2012, one year contract

Lynn Myers - Food Service, 2 hour general help at Eastern, effective August 27, 2012, one year contract

Gary Hoff - 4 hour bus aide, effective September 1, 2012,one year contract

Paul Frost - 4 hour bus driver, effective August 28, 2012, 5 yrs. experience, one year contract

Karen Stiteler - Sub bus driver and sub bus aide effective September 5, 2012

Lisa Pfizenmayer - Substitute educational aide, pending successful completion of all pre-employment requirements

Joy Jones - High School OGT tutor, September 24 – October 19, 2012

Kyle Trittschuh - Technology Department Assistant, to begin September 17, 2012, one year contract, per salary schedule

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Heck, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Whitney--------5

Nay: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

     Motion adopted.


 62-12    Motion by Mr. Heck, seconded by Mr. Stoner to approve the following:

Miss Lexington Pageant:  Approval to waive the charge for the use of the High School Auditorium for the Miss Lexington pageant scheduled for April 27, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.   

In Lieu of Transportation:   Approved payment for "In Lieu of Transportation" for Lexington Students attending Discovery School and Foundation Academy for the 2012-2013 school year.

Bus Routes:   Approved bus routes, subject to change, for the 2012-2013 school year. 

Substitute List:  Approve the Lexington substitute list and the complete substitute list dated 9/1/12 as presented by MOESC.

Nursing Services:  Approved to use the nursing services of Lauren Grove & Penny Hayes at the hourly rate on their contract (effective 8/28/12)

Approved the contract with Clear Fork Schools for the 2012-2013 school year to transport a student to the Ohio School for the Deaf at a cost of $100.00 per day.

Band of Gold Trip:  Recommend approval of the Band of Gold trip to Indianapolis on November 10, 2012 for the Bands of America Grand National Championships.

Approved the Board policy regarding the Third Grade Guarantee.  (Mr. Whitney stated, for the record, his concern of how the 3rd grade guarantee would work and the financial implications to the school district.)  

LTA/LSA Agreements:  Approved the ratification of the tentative agreements with the Lexington Teachers’ Association (LTA) and the Lexington Support Association (LSA) and non-bargaining unit employees. 

7-12 Parent/Teacher Conference Dates:  Approved the following parent/teacher conference dates for the 2012-2013 school year

Wednesday, October 24th, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.         Thursday, April 11th, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, October 30th, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.               Tuesday, April 16th, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Heck, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Blackstone, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Whitney-------5

          Nay: None--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

       Motion adopted.


 63-12 Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Heck to approve the Acceptable Use Policy changes from the Technology Department.

 Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Stoner, Mr. Heck, Mr. Blackstone, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Whitney---------5

 Nay:  None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

 Motion adopted.



1.  The Treasurer reviewed the Financial Plan that was begun last spring.  The district completed 10 of 11 objectives and action plans established for Fiscal Year 2012.  The one action not yet completed deals with evaluating special education costs, which will be added to the FY2013 list.  The Board discussed action plans on the FY 2013 list, including adding a survey to parents for resident students attending school elsewhere.

2.  The Superintendent received correspondence from the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (formerly the Ohio School Facilities Commission) regarding if the Lexington School District wishes to pursue facilities funding in 2013.  The district has deferred funding in past years in order to address operating funding.  Mr. Ziegelhofer stated the district isn’t ready for facility funding in 2013, but suggested that a committee begin discussing and  investigating the feasibility of a construction project since the planning process can take  up to 2-3 years. The Board agreed to forming a Facility      Exploration Committee in order to get community involvement and input.  The district will defer OFCC funding in 2013 but may consider for 2014.

3.  The Superintendent stated that the Village of Lexington has an opportunity to obtain the Neer Manufacturing facility through a company donation.  The Village is exploring the possibility of incorporating other entities in the potential use of this facility, specifically the school district, Troy Township and the county park district.  The Village is asking the school district to partner in a grant application to conduct a study of the feasibility of the use of the property.  They are not asking for any financial commitment at this time.

     Mr. Blackstone shared that he attended a meeting on charitable foundations and that the Richland County Foundation is interested in partnering with a Lexington Educational Foundation if formed.  The foundation could also be formed as a stand-alone charitable organization for the purpose of providing student scholarships, teacher grants, and other giving.  He will pursue scheduling some exploratory meetings, involving individuals with backgrounds in finance and planned giving.


 64-12   Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mrs. Wilson to adjourn.                                  8:45 p.m.

             Roll Call – Yea:  Mr. Stoner, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Heck, Mr. Whitney--------5

             Nay:  None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

      Motion adopted.
