Regular Meeting

Monday, April 19, 2010

7:00 p.m.


1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.

2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and

present any communications.

Elli Stevens, Student representative to the Board will present her report.

Financial Items:

3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the March Regular meeting.

4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for March 2010.

5. Treasurer requests approval of Appropriations Modifications as per enclosed document.

Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 3 - 5.

6. Executive Session: Motion by ____________________, seconded by ________________,

to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel.

The Board entered into executive session at _________.

The Board returned to open session at ___________.

Personnel Items:


7. Retirement: Approve the retirement requests of:

Todd Korbas - High School math teacher, effective May 31, 2010

Elaine Clapper - High School art teacher, effective June 30, 2010

Laura Pike - Eastern Elementary, 4th grade, effective end of

2009-2010 school year

Diana Hurlow - High School guidance counselor, effective end of

2009-2010 school year

Mark Maxwell - High School instrumental music & marching band

director, effective May 31, 2010

8. Resignation: Approve the resignation of the following:

Tom Smith - High School, effective end of school year

Jennifer Bacquet - Eastern Elementary, 4th grade, effective end of

school year

Sharon Papcun - Title I Coordinator (extra duty) for 2010-2011

school year

Marilyn Johnson - High School LD tutor, effective end of school year

Dennis Bowman - Technology Director, effective April 30, 2010

Grant Weaver - Varsity boys’ basketball coach

Kevin Young - Boys’ assistant varsity basketball coach

Buck Morton - JV boys’ basketball coach

Gary Hundertpfund - Western Elementary, effective end of school year

- bus supervisor, Western Elementary

Laura Pike - IAT chairperson, Eastern Elementary, effective end

of school year

Rita Stoll - LEOS club advisor, HS, effective end of school year

9. Maternity Leave: Approve maternity leave for Emily Donahue effective May 1, 2010 through end of

school year.

10. Employment: Employ the following as indicated:

Jacque Daup - Summer school co-director, $600.00, 8/2 – 8/19

Kathy Dinkel - Summer school co-director, $600.00, 8/2 – 8/19

Dianne Wheaton - Fourth grade, Eastern Elementary, effective

August 26, 2010, 1 year limited contract, step 2

Jamie Feick - Head boys’ varsity basketball coach

11. Continuing Contract: Approve the recommendation for continuing contracts for:

Stephanie Blackstone - Central Elementary, 2nd grade

Tiffany Daup - Central Elementary, 2nd grade

Dawn Lohr - Central Elementary, 2nd grade

Rachel Smith - Central Elementary, 2nd grade

Cheryl Longnecker - Eastern Elementary, Resource Room

Susan Young - Central Elementary, 3rd grade

12. Supplemental Non-Renewals: Recommend non-renewal of the individuals listed in Attachment

“A” due to lack of evaluations for spring sports.

13. Supplemental Non-Renewals: Recommend non-renewal of the individuals listed in Attachment

“B” who hold supplemental contracts, but are not employees of the district.

14. Teaching/Extended Service Contracts: Approve teaching / extended service contracts for

2010-2011 as listed in Attachment “C”.

15. Teaching Non-Renewals: Attachment “D” lists the teaching non-renewals for 2010-2011.

16. Supplemental Activities: Approve supplemental activity contracts for 2010-2011 as listed in

Attachment “E”.



17. Non-Certified Contracts: Approve contracts for classified employees as listed in Attachment “F”.

18. Summer Employment: Approve the following summer employees to assist the Maintenance

Department with the care and upkeep of our buildings and grounds and to assist the Technology


Zac Banks (new) - Maintenance

Jennifer Rhoades (new) - Maintenance

Alex Boyd - Maintenance

Ashley Hershner - Maintenance

David McCarther - Technology Department

Ian Jones - Technology Department

Motion by _________________, seconded by_________________, to approve personnel item 7 – 18.

Other Business:

19. Tuition Student: Approve the following students for the 2010-2011 school year:

Grace Sarbach - Continuing, Grade 1, Western (per negotiated

contract following teaching parent)

Kasey Davis - New, Kindergarten, Western

20. Substitute Lists: Approve the Lexington & the complete substitute lists dated 3/30/10 and as

presented by MOESC.

21. Substitute Pay Schedule: Approve the 2010-2011 Substitute Pay Schedule as follows:

Substitute Teacher - $70.00 per day

Substitute Aide - Step 0 of the Educational Aide Salary Schedule

Substitute Bus Driver - Step 0 of Bus Driver’s Salary Schedule

Substitute Custodian - Step 0 of Custodian Salary Schedule

Substitute Maintenance - Step 0 of Maintenance Salary Schedule

Substitute Mechanic - Step 0 of Mechanic Salary Schedule

Substitute Cafeteria Worker $7.30/hour

Substitute Treasurer’s

Office Clerk - Step 0 of Treasurer’s Clerk Salary Schedule

Power Reading Tutor - $23.00/hour

Homebound Tutor - $14.14/hour

Bus Washer - $9.00/hour

Office Help – Bus - $7.30/hour (not to be included in overtime

Garage calculations for drivers/aides)

22. Request to adopt a resolution with Metropolitan Educational Council (MEC) for participation in the

advertising and receiving of bus bids.

23. Renew membership with the Mansfield-Richland Area Chamber of Commerce for the period of

May 1, 2010 through April 20, 2011 at a cost of $135.

Motion by __________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve item 19 –23.

24. Discussion: Employment of Mike Ziegelhofer as Superintendent of Schools effective June 2, 2010 &

Elaine Clapper as High School art teacher effective September 1, 2010.

25. Student Allergy Policy: Review draft copy of Student Allergy Policy for approval at May 17th

Board meeting.

26. Adjournment: Motion by ________________, seconded by _________________, to adjourn.