Eastern Elementary was lit up for Neon Day! Staff and students brightened the halls with vibrant neon colors, celebrating creativity in a fun and colorful way for Youth Art Month!

Lexington students joined Richland Newhope at Lex Lanes for the 5th Annual Bowling Awareness Event! Middle school students teamed up with county leaders for a fun and meaningful day. Congratulations to Mayor Brenkus of Bellville and Lexington students for taking 1st place!

Congratulations to Olyve and Eden! Their artwork was selected to represent Eastern Elementary in the Ohio Art Education Association Youth Art Month Art Show! Their pieces were displayed at Riverside Methodist Hospital, alongside works from 126 students across Ohio. ...

When it’s Dress Like an Artist Day, Mr. Grist definitely understands the assignment! We even had Van Gogh and Bob Ross make an appearance!

On February 25, LHS students Makaree C., Gage P., Malaina W., and Julia W. attended the Rotary Club of Mansfield’s Lunch-In! They were introduced to the club, and Mr. Saris highlighted their achievements at LHS. Congrats to these outstanding students!

Students at both Central and Western participated in a Mock Caldecott Contest! They learned that the Caldecott Medal is an award given to the illustrator of the most distinguished picture book of the year. After weeks of reading, exploring illustrations, and engaging in ...

Dr. Berry’s 6th-grade math students hit the track for Race Day with Composite Area! Working with their pit crews, they solved composite area problems to race their way to the finish line! A fun and competitive way to put their math skills to the test!

Congratulations to the Lexington High School Orchestra for earning straight 1's at Dublin Scioto High School for the OMEA State Adjudication! Their hard work, dedication, and talent truly paid off, and they’ve set the bar high for excellence.

Congratulations to Coulter S. for finishing as the runner-up in the Richland County Spelling Bee! Your dedication, hard work, and impressive spelling skills took you all the way to the final round. We are so proud of your achievement!

Lucy is back in Kindergarten at Western Elementary! She loves spending time with the students and listening to them read. Nothing beats a good book and a furry friend!

Lexington families welcomed students and teachers from Costa Rica! They had an amazing time experiencing our culture—and for many, seeing snow and feeling cold temperatures for the first time! What a memorable exchange!

Mr. Hoffman and his Studio Jewelry students took a field trip to Rego Jewelers in Bucyrus to see large-scale jewelry manufacturing in action! With 50 employees and an annual revenue of $10–$12 million, Rego Jewelers gave students an inside look at the industry. They also ...

Valentine’s Day was extra special at Eastern, thanks to a group of kindhearted girls who gave up their recess to create over 500 heart-shaped pins for every student and staff member! Their generosity made the day even more meaningful!

Members of the High School Leadership Council attended a Leadership Conference at Wooster High School. They shared their community outreach efforts with fellow OCC schools and took part in interactive leadership activities with other OCC athletes. A great day of growth ...

Central’s annual 3rd Grade Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Keith R., this year’s champion! Way to go, Keith, and to all the students who participated—you made us proud!

 Congratulations to Logan B., who had the incredible honor of performing with the Ohio All-State Orchestra in Cleveland on Friday, February 7. What an amazing achievement!

Central students had a fantastic time on their field trip to the Mansfield Symphony Orchestra for the "Link Up: The Orchestra Rocks" concert at the Renaissance Theater. They enjoyed the live music and discovered the power of the orchestra!

First graders at Western celebrated the 100th day of school with tons of counting activities, building their math skills while having fun. What a great way to mark this milestone!

Congratulations to the 6th grade and JH Mathcounts teams who competed at Ashland University. 6th grade team: Ben C, Monte C, Grayson W, Conner D JH team: Ebube E, Elijah E, Emma E, Marissa R, Harrison R Special congrats to Ebube E and Elijah E who made the top 10 in ...

Congratulations to the 5th grade academic challenge teams who took 5th and 6th out of 34 teams. Teams consisted of Violet H., Jax E., Robbie S., Nolan H. and Noah B., Ben T., and Addy M.

Eastern's 6th grade Academic Challenge took 1st place out of 32 teams at their meet on Jan. 28th. The first place team consisted of Ben M., Monte C., Ina G., and Emily S.

Sixth graders in Mrs. Smith's science classes had fun using the Ohio Energy activities. They learned about energy conservation and energy usage.

Great job to our Eastern Spelling Bee participants: Charlie P., Caden L., Peyton F., and Addy M. Special congrats and good luck to Addy and Caden, who made the top 18 in Richland County and are headed to the Tri-County Bee!

A new semester means new robots in the STEM Lab! Under Mr. Dewey’s guidance, 8th-grade students have been busy building Vex IQ base bots to tackle their first STEM challenge: navigating an obstacle course. They were all excellent bot navigators!

Do you want to build a snowman? Mrs. Lohr’s class did a fantastic job using life-size snowmen to show their winter stories' beginning, middle, and end. Keep up the great work!

Before winter break, Eastern’s Military Kids collected and delivered gifts to nursing home residents at Lexington Court Care Center, and they were so appreciative of each gift! It is nice to make their holidays a little brighter!

Kyland and Mrs. Galbraith had a fantastic day of learning at Central, where building strong relationships is always a top priority!

Congratulations to the string students who performed at Region Orchestra at Ashland High School. Great job, Owen G., Logan B., Ben W., Emma T., Annie H., Sylvia S., Alexis F., and Iris P. We are proud of you!

Congratulations to Addy B., Lexington junior, who has been selected as the Pioneer Career & Technology Center’s December Student of the Month. Keep up the great work, Addy!

Students in Dr. Berry’s math class used the book "Picture Pie" as inspiration to make pictures entirely out of circles and fractions of circles. They then had to add fractions, find ratios to compare them, and convert them to decimals and percents!

Neon Day
Neon Day
Richland Newhope Bowling Event
Richland Newhope Bowling Event
Youth Art Month Show
Youth Art Month Show
Dress Like An Artist Day
Dress Like An Artist Day
Rotary Club of Mansfield Lunch
Rotary Club of Mansfield Lunch
Caldecott Contest
Caldecott Contest
Race Day with Composite Area
Race Day with Composite Area
OMEA State Adjudication
OMEA State Adjudication
Richland County Spelling Bee
Richland County Spelling Bee
Kindergarteners Read With Lucy
Kindergarteners Read With Lucy
Visitors From Costa Rica
Visitors From Costa Rica
Studio Jewelry Field Trip
Studio Jewelry Field Trip
Valentine's Day Heart Pins
Valentine's Day Heart Pins
High School Leadership Council
High School Leadership Council
Central Spelling Bee
Central Spelling Bee
Ohio All State Orchestra
Ohio All State Orchestra
Renaissance Theater Field Trip
Renaissance Theater Field Trip
First Graders Celebrate 100th Day
First Graders Celebrate 100th Day
MathCounts Teams
MathCounts Teams
5th Grade Academic Challenge Team
5th Grade Academic Challenge Team
6th Grade Academic Challenge Team
6th Grade Academic Challenge Team
Ohio Energy Activities
Ohio Energy Activities
Eastern Spelling Bee
Eastern Spelling Bee
Mr. Dewey's Robotic Classes
Mr. Dewey's Robotic Classes
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
Delivering Gifts to Nursing Home
Delivering Gifts to Nursing Home
Kyland and Mrs. Galbraith
Kyland and Mrs. Galbraith
Region Orchestra
Region Orchestra
Pioneer December Student of the Month
Pioneer December Student of the Month
Picture Pie
Picture Pie

Flag of Ohio

Please click here to see the attached letter for an update on the State's biennial budget process and how you can help. Thank you!


LexingtonMinutemanReportWinter2025 2

Click here to view the Winter 2025 edition of the Minuteman Report!


Lexington School Community,

It has been a real winter this year, and as such, we have exhausted all five of our calamity days already! Per our board adopted calendar, I just wanted to remind our school community that if we were to have another calamity day prior to Presidents’ Day on Monday, February 17th, we would make that day up on February 17th and be in session on Presidents’ Day.

For any calamity days that occur after February 17th, make-up days will be added to the end of the school year, with the first make-up day on Thursday, May 29th and every day following until all days are made up. (Two-hour delays will not result in days needing to be made up).

Thank you for allowing us to educate your students and for your continued support.


Jeremy Secrist


KGRegistrationOpenNow2025 26

Lexington Local Schools is excited to provide full-day Kindergarten to children living in the district that will be 5 years of age on or before August 1, 2025.

Registration Steps: Final Forms will open February 1, 2025

1. Start by filing out Final Forms completely at: https://lexington-oh.finalforms.com/
2. Once Final Forms are complete (all forms are green), please bring the required documents to Western Elementary beginning February 1, 2025 from 9am -3pm.

• Child’s original birth certificate
• Child’s social security card
• Child’s immunization record
• Custody papers, if applicable
• Proof of residency – utility bill (electric, gas, or water), lease/mortgage agreement
• Your driver’s license

3. For those who need to drop off documents in the evening, Western Elementary will be open on Thursday, March 13 from 4:30pm – 7:30pm.
4. Once your child’s registration is complete (Final Forms and Required Documents turned in) please register for a screening date and time.

Kindergarten Screening Dates

Monday, April 28 – Thursday, May 1, 2025

Kindergarten Screening Sign-up Link

Mrs. Catanese, Asst. Principal
Mr. Curtis, Principal
Western Elementary

LexingtonPreschoolEnrollment2025 26


Current Job Postings

Certified Employment Application Form

Classified Employment Application Form

(2) Elementary Intervention Specialists

School: Western Elementary (Grades KG – 1)
School: Central Elementary (Grades 2-3)

- Positions for the 2025-2026 school year

- Accepting resumes through March 21, 2025

- Must hold a valid Ohio teaching certificate/license in appropriate area

- Must successfully pass a BCI/FBI background check

To apply: E-mail a completed certified employment application Lexington (www.lexington.k12.oh.us) with a letter of interest, current resume and a copy of certification/license to: Central/Western Elementary Principal, Scott Curtis at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

High School Math Teacher (Grades 9-12)

- Position for the 2025-2026 school year

- Accepting resumes beginning March 7, 2025 through March 31, 2025

- Must hold a valid Ohio teaching certificate/license in appropriate area

- Must successfully pass a BCI/FBI background check

To apply: Email a completed certified employment application (www.lexington.k12.oh.us) with a letter of interest, current resume, references and a copy of certification/license to: High School Principal, Jamie Masi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Long Term Substitute Spanish Teacher (Grades 8-12)

Dates: April 28, 2025 through May 29, 2025

- Accepting resumes until filled

- Must hold a valid Ohio substitute teaching license or a valid Ohio teaching certificate/license in appropriate area

- Must successfully pass a BCI/FBI background check

To apply: Email a completed certified employment application (www.lexington.k12.oh.us) with a letter of interest, current resume, references and a copy of certification/license to: High School Principal, Jamie Masi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1:1 Aide Positions

Lexington Local Schools is hiring 1:1 aide positions throughout the district for the 2024-25 school year. Interested candidates should fill out a classified application at (Lexington Classified Application) and send to Assistant Superintendent, Kevin Young via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact the board office at 419-884-1111

Substitute Bus Driver

Lexington Local Schools is still in need of substitute bus drivers. We will do all the training at the bus garage. Please call the bus garage at 419-884-2349 for an application and more information.


Lexington Local Schools is looking for substitute teachers, aides, custodians, food service, and bus drivers. Please contact the board office if you are interested (419-884-2132).

**Please click on the following link for qualification information for those interested in substitute teaching: Substitute Teaching Information**


Lexington School Community,

Lexington Local Schools uses BrightArrow as our texting service provider for public and emergency communications. If you have students attending any of our schools, you will automatically be enrolled. If you do not have children attending Lexington Local Schools, you can sign up through the link below. Thank you for your continued support!

Lexington Local Schools alerts sign up: https://bit.ly/3U0J9hp

**After signing up, please text YES to 79041 to opt-in to the texting service**


Jeremy Secrist, Superintendent


Due to multiple conflicts in scheduling, the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2025 will be held at Lexington High School on Sunday, May 25th at 7:30 pm. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Masi at the high school.

RaptorVMSLexington Families:

Lexington Local Schools is excited to announce that we will be utilizing the Raptor Visitor Management System in all buildings. This new system will add another layer of safety and security for our staff and students.

With the implementation of this new system, the following procedures are what you can expect as we move forward with this new security measure:

•  All visitors to our schools (parent, volunteer, substitute, contractor) that wish to walk through the building will need to have a valid ID card that will be scanned with the Raptor system (state issued ID, drivers license, military ID).

•  Your ID will be scanned into the Raptor system each time you visit. Raptor will run all visitor information through the current federal and state sex offender registries along with any custom created databases of banned visitors or domestic/custodial issues.

•  Once cleared, an individual will be printed a custom visitor sticker with their photo, or given a visitor’s badge that they wear in the building.

•  If an individual is flagged as an “alert,” the School Resource Officer and Administration will be sent a text alert and will meet with the individual to resolve the situation.

•  Student drivers will not need a parent to sign out, but will require a phone call to, or from, the office.

Adopting this new system will ensure that every guest in any of our buildings, regardless of purpose, will have been screened and will have a visible ID indicating they have been cleared to be in the building.

Please make sure you bring your valid ID card with you anytime you wish to visit any of our buildings.

Your cooperation with this new procedure is greatly appreciated and is one small step that everyone can take to keep our staff and students as safe as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation and support. Go Lex!

Jeremy Secrist, Superintendent
Officers Chris Glennon and James Anderson, School Resource Officers


bright arrowDear Parents,

We utilize BrightArrow in our district, an automated parent notification system. The system will notify parents if their child is absent from school using the contact information you’ve provided in FinalForms.

When your child is absent the system will make an automated call to the primary number listed in FinalForms. It will also send a text message and email to the first two contacts listed in FinalForms.

Below is the message you will receive via phone and email:

This is an attendance notification from Lexington Local Schools. Your student, [[firstname]] was marked absent this morning, [[today’s date]]. Please send a note with your child upon return to excuse this absence. Press any key to repeat this message. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

An additional note is included with text messages:

Lexington Local Schools would like to continue sending you text messages. To receive these messages, please reply YES.

(We suggest you reply YES to continue receiving alerts).

You are still strongly encouraged to call the school to report your child’s absence. Additionally, written notification is still required to excuse any absence upon return. Finally, if you have provided advance notice of your child’s absence or if they are tardy, you may not receive a call.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this automated notification system, please contact your building principal. Thank you.


Jeremy Secrist

finalforms logo 111 175 108
Lexington Schools is transitioning to FinalForms for online forms (emergency,medical,etc.) instead of the paper packet that is typically sent home at the start of the school year.

To register a new student, please click on the following link: Lexington FinalForms

If your student is already attending Lexington and you have not received an email confirmation from FinalForms, please call your student's building so the secretaries can update your email address in the FinalForms system. Once your email address has been entered, you will receive a confirmation email from FinalForms to create an account.

2024 2025BoardApprovedCalendar

2025 2026BoardApprovedCalendar

Please see the links below to view Lexington's Extended Learning Plan and Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan.

Extended Learning Plan

Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

Best advice is if you approach, from either direction, a school bus stopped on or along the road, for any reason, with or without its lights flashing STOP.

We must all do our part of keep our precious children safe on their way to and from school each day. No one should be in such a hurry to jeopardize children's safety.


"The Lexington Local Schools, through a partnership with our children's families and our community, will provide the BEST possible curricular and co-curricular opportunities to challenge all students to reach their highest potential, to enjoy learning and to make positive contributions within their homes and communities."

District Events

2024 25CalendarHighlights