Great job to our Eastern Spelling Bee participants: Charlie P., Caden L., Peyton F., and Addy M. Special congrats and good luck to Addy and Caden, who made the top 18 in Richland County and are headed to the Tri-County Bee!

A new semester means new robots in the STEM Lab! Under Mr. Dewey’s guidance, 8th-grade students have been busy building Vex IQ base bots to tackle their first STEM challenge: navigating an obstacle course. They were all excellent bot navigators!

Do you want to build a snowman? Mrs. Lohr’s class did a fantastic job using life-size snowmen to show their winter stories' beginning, middle, and end. Keep up the great work!

Before winter break, Eastern’s Military Kids collected and delivered gifts to nursing home residents at Lexington Court Care Center, and they were so appreciative of each gift! It is nice to make their holidays a little brighter!

Kyland and Mrs. Galbraith had a fantastic day of learning at Central, where building strong relationships is always a top priority!

Congratulations to the string students who performed at Region Orchestra at Ashland High School. Great job, Owen G., Logan B., Ben W., Emma T., Annie H., Sylvia S., Alexis F., and Iris P. We are proud of you!

Congratulations to Addy B., Lexington junior, who has been selected as the Pioneer Career & Technology Center’s December Student of the Month. Keep up the great work, Addy!

Students in Dr. Berry’s math class used the book "Picture Pie" as inspiration to make pictures entirely out of circles and fractions of circles. They then had to add fractions, find ratios to compare them, and convert them to decimals and percents!

Third-grade students at Central read three versions of “Stone Soup,” compared and contrasted versions, and discussed the morals of kindness, generosity, and gratitude. Then, each student brought in an ingredient, and together, they created 'stone soup' and enjoyed a ...

The students at Eastern love when Mr. Grist stops in the art room, and Mrs. Haas seldom lets him leave without creating something with them. On his last visit, they drew self-portraits. Thanks for creating with them, Mr. Grist!

Lex Leadership Council members had an unforgettable experience at the MOESC Leadership Conference, where they heard an inspiring presentation from former Ohio State and NFL wide receiver, Roy Hall Jr.! Thank you, Mr. Hall, for motivating our future leaders!

Western Elementary proudly celebrated our military kids and their families on Friday with a breakfast in their honor. It was a special time to show gratitude for their service and the sacrifices they make for our country. We are so grateful for each of them!

Mrs. Coffman’s third-grade class at Central Elementary participated in a mock election during a social studies lesson on local government. Students ran for mayor or city council, and citizens voted. Town meetings were held to determine laws, building designs, and names. ...

Ms. Blackstone and Mrs. Hughes celebrated National STEM Day by giving their 2nd and 3rd graders a unique milk-tasting STEM experience! Students tasted strawberry, regular, and chocolate milk, created and analyzed data graphs, and wrote opinion paragraphs. Both classes are ...

Dr. Berry’s sixth-grade class had a Glow Day review for their upcoming test! Students rotated through stations focused on dividing fractions, GCF, LCM, coordinate planes, division, and decimal operations. This review truly brightened their day!

Check out these moments from our 1st Quarter PBIS Celebration at Central Elementary! Our students had a great time celebrating their positive behavior and achievements. Congratulations to all!

Military Kids at Western Elementary had a blast with some Halloween fun! Students made creative masks and enjoyed delicious treats. They had spook-tacular time!

Mrs. Winner's kindergarten students celebrated learning the letters "p" and "j" by making and eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They then wrote directions to help others enjoy this tasty treat!

Mrs. Duffey's fourth-grade classes at Eastern joined other fourth-graders across Ohio for a fun Monster Match project! Working in small groups, students drew creatures and wrote detailed directions using prepositions and vivid language for others to recreate their ...

Mrs. Winner’s kindergarteners at Western Elementary explored the pumpkin lifecycle and discovered what plants need to grow! They got hands-on learning with parts of a pumpkin and counted over 380 seeds by grouping them into tens. Such a fun, gooey way to learn!

Lexington sixth graders enjoyed an exciting field day at Malabar Farm! They had a fantastic time exploring, learning, and making memories together.

Thank you, Rotary Club of Mansfield! The dictionaries you donated to several of our 3rd-grade classrooms at Central will be put to good use. Our students cannot wait to use them. Nothing is better than learning the meaning of a new word.

Mrs. Knapp’s class at Western had a fun week sharing treasures from home! After reading "Abuelita’s Secret," students brought in their own treasures and compared them to the main character Gabriel’s. They also wrote about why their treasures are special to them, just like ...

Thank you Allie P, Hannah B, (2020 Lexington graduate) and Richland Newhope! Your generous donation of school supplies to Central Elementary School was an unexpected and very much appreciated gift. Setting our students up for success has been made easier because of your ...

Students and staff were recently awarded the Minuteman Citizenship Award by Officer Glennon. This award recognizes their dedication to kindness, community service and positive choices. Thank you for inspiring us all to be better and for making a difference in our ...

Students and staff were recently awarded the Minuteman Citizenship Award by Officer Glennon. This award recognizes their dedication to kindness, community service and positive choices. Thank you for inspiring us all to be better and for making a difference in our ...

Students and staff were recently awarded the Minuteman Citizenship Award by Officer Glennon. This award recognizes their dedication to kindness, community service and positive choices. Thank you for inspiring us all to be better and for making a difference in our ...

Mrs. Perry's 2nd grade class recently had the opportunity to adopt a cow. Their Holstein calf, Peony, was born on September 8th in Sugarcreek, Ohio. The kids are very excited for the many activities that they will get to do to learn about dairy farming!

Ms. Rush's second graders at Central learned about perseverance through the Smarties Stacking Challenge! Using only one hand, they had 20 seconds to stack as many Smarties as possible. With practice, they improved and discovered that persistence helps in all areas of ...

Mrs. Saurer’s class had a "bat-tastic" week learning all about bats! The classroom transformed into a bat cave, and the week wrapped up with a special bat-themed snack. What an immersive way to learn!

Eastern Spelling Bee
Eastern Spelling Bee
Mr. Dewey's Robotic Classes
Mr. Dewey's Robotic Classes
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
Delivering Gifts to Nursing Home
Delivering Gifts to Nursing Home
Kyland and Mrs. Galbraith
Kyland and Mrs. Galbraith
Region Orchestra
Region Orchestra
Pioneer December Student of the Month
Pioneer December Student of the Month
Picture Pie
Picture Pie
Stone Soup
Stone Soup
Mr. Grist Self Portrait
Mr. Grist Self Portrait
Lex Leadership Council
Lex Leadership Council
Veterans Day Breakfast
Veterans Day Breakfast
Mock Election
Mock Election
National STEM Day
National STEM Day
Glow Day Review
Glow Day Review
Central's 1st Quarter PBIS Celebration
Central's 1st Quarter PBIS Celebration
Military Kids Halloween Fun!
Military Kids Halloween Fun!
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Monster Match Project
Monster Match Project
Pumpkin Fun!
Pumpkin Fun!
Malabar Farm Visit
Malabar Farm Visit
Donated Dictionaries
Donated Dictionaries
Abuelita's Secret
Abuelita's Secret
Richland Newhope Donation
Richland Newhope Donation
Minuteman Citizenship Award
Minuteman Citizenship Award
Minuteman Citizenship Award
Minuteman Citizenship Award
Minuteman Citizenship Award
Minuteman Citizenship Award
Mrs. Perry's Class Adopts a Cow
Mrs. Perry's Class Adopts a Cow
Smarties Stacking Challenge
Smarties Stacking Challenge
Learning All About Bats!
Learning All About Bats!


Lexington School Community,

It has been a real winter this year, and as such, we have exhausted all five of our calamity days already! Per our board adopted calendar, I just wanted to remind our school community that if we were to have another calamity day prior to Presidents’ Day on Monday, February 17th, we would make that day up on February 17th and be in session on Presidents’ Day.

For any calamity days that occur after February 17th, make-up days will be added to the end of the school year, with the first make-up day on Thursday, May 29th and every day following until all days are made up. (Two-hour delays will not result in days needing to be made up).

Thank you for allowing us to educate your students and for your continued support.


Jeremy Secrist

KGRegistrationOpenNow2025 26

Lexington Local Schools is excited to provide full-day Kindergarten to children living in the district that will be 5 years of age on or before August 1, 2025.

Registration Steps: Final Forms will open February 1, 2025

1. Start by filing out Final Forms completely at:
2. Once Final Forms are complete (all forms are green), please bring the required documents to Western Elementary beginning February 1, 2025 from 9am -3pm.

• Child’s original birth certificate
• Child’s social security card
• Child’s immunization record
• Custody papers, if applicable
• Proof of residency – utility bill (electric, gas, or water), lease/mortgage agreement
• Your driver’s license

3. For those who need to drop off documents in the evening, Western Elementary will be open on Thursday, March 13 from 4:30pm – 7:30pm.
4. Once your child’s registration is complete (Final Forms and Required Documents turned in) please register for a screening date and time.

Kindergarten Screening Dates

Monday, April 28 – Thursday, May 1, 2025

After February 1, a link to sign up for Kindergarten screening appointments will be shared on the Lexington website, Final Forms, and DOJO.

Mrs. Catanese, Asst. Principal
Mr. Curtis, Principal
Western Elementary

LexingtonPreschoolEnrollment2025 26


Lexington School Community,

As the holiday decorations are going up inside and outside our homes and the sound of holiday music is frequently on our ears, it’s a great reminder to once again share with our school community our procedures for inclement weather and winter calamity days. If we have inclement weather overnight or early in the morning, our Transportation Director, Johneen Gordon, Assistant Superintendent, Kevin Young, Athletics/Activities Director, Jeff Eichorn, High School Principal, Jamie Masi and I will drive various roads within our district to assess road conditions. Frequently, the roads that are most problematic are back or side roads, and areas that are not plowed or treated early in the morning.

Our first decision regarding cancellation or delay needs to be made by 6:00 am. The team and I will be in communication regarding the road conditions from 5:15 am until the decision is made. We want to make the decision to delay or cancel as early as is possible (between 5:30-5:45 is our goal because our first buses head out by 6:15 am). If we decide on a two-hour delay, we will need to determine if we will continue with the delay or to cancel by 8:00 am. The team and I will be driving our areas of the district again, prior to discussing the conditions at 7:15 am, until we decide what we need to do (between 7:30-7:45 is our goal at this point).
While school decisions are often made based on the road conditions in our district, severe wind chill temperatures will also be a factor in deciding to delay or cancel school. Wind chill temperatures hovering in the -20 range are cause for safety concerns. The safety of everyone coming to our buildings is the priority. This includes students riding our buses, students and staff driving to school, parents bringing children to school, and students who walk to school.
Please remember that the quickest way for parents and staff to receive information regarding a delay or cancellation is to register for our Text and Email Alert system, which can be found on the District website under the Parents & Students tab, or to register for the WMFD Alert system by following the links on the WMFD website. We will also use our alert system to communicate other important information and reminders throughout the school year.
Thank you for your continued support of Lexington Local Schools.
Jeremy Secrist, Superintendent


Lexington School Community,

Lexington Local Schools uses BrightArrow as our texting service provider for public and emergency communications. If you have students attending any of our schools, you will automatically be enrolled. If you do not have children attending Lexington Local Schools, you can sign up through the link below. Thank you for your continued support!

Lexington Local Schools alerts sign up:

**After signing up, please text YES to 79041 to opt-in to the texting service**


Jeremy Secrist, Superintendent


Current Job Postings

Certified Employment Application Form

Classified Employment Application Form

1:1 Aide Positions

Lexington Local Schools is hiring 1:1 aide positions throughout the district for the 2024-25 school year. Interested candidates should fill out a classified application at (Lexington Classified Application) and send to Assistant Superintendent, Kevin Young via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact the board office at 419-884-1111

Substitute Bus Driver

Lexington Local Schools is still in need of substitute bus drivers. We will do all the training at the bus garage. Please call the bus garage at 419-884-2349 for an application and more information.


Lexington Local Schools is looking for substitute teachers, aides, custodians, food service, and bus drivers. Please contact the board office if you are interested (419-884-2132).

**Please click on the following link for qualification information for those interested in substitute teaching: Substitute Teaching Information**


Due to multiple conflicts in scheduling, the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2025 will be held at Lexington High School on Sunday, May 25th at 7:30 pm. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Masi at the high school.

RaptorVMSLexington Families:

Lexington Local Schools is excited to announce that we will be utilizing the Raptor Visitor Management System in all buildings. This new system will add another layer of safety and security for our staff and students.

With the implementation of this new system, the following procedures are what you can expect as we move forward with this new security measure:

•  All visitors to our schools (parent, volunteer, substitute, contractor) that wish to walk through the building will need to have a valid ID card that will be scanned with the Raptor system (state issued ID, drivers license, military ID).

•  Your ID will be scanned into the Raptor system each time you visit. Raptor will run all visitor information through the current federal and state sex offender registries along with any custom created databases of banned visitors or domestic/custodial issues.

•  Once cleared, an individual will be printed a custom visitor sticker with their photo, or given a visitor’s badge that they wear in the building.

•  If an individual is flagged as an “alert,” the School Resource Officer and Administration will be sent a text alert and will meet with the individual to resolve the situation.

•  Student drivers will not need a parent to sign out, but will require a phone call to, or from, the office.

Adopting this new system will ensure that every guest in any of our buildings, regardless of purpose, will have been screened and will have a visible ID indicating they have been cleared to be in the building.

Please make sure you bring your valid ID card with you anytime you wish to visit any of our buildings.

Your cooperation with this new procedure is greatly appreciated and is one small step that everyone can take to keep our staff and students as safe as possible.

Thank you for your cooperation and support. Go Lex!

Jeremy Secrist, Superintendent
Officers Chris Glennon and James Anderson, School Resource Officers


bright arrowDear Parents,

We utilize BrightArrow in our district, an automated parent notification system. The system will notify parents if their child is absent from school using the contact information you’ve provided in FinalForms.

When your child is absent the system will make an automated call to the primary number listed in FinalForms. It will also send a text message and email to the first two contacts listed in FinalForms.

Below is the message you will receive via phone and email:

This is an attendance notification from Lexington Local Schools. Your student, [[firstname]] was marked absent this morning, [[today’s date]]. Please send a note with your child upon return to excuse this absence. Press any key to repeat this message. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

An additional note is included with text messages:

Lexington Local Schools would like to continue sending you text messages. To receive these messages, please reply YES.

(We suggest you reply YES to continue receiving alerts).

You are still strongly encouraged to call the school to report your child’s absence. Additionally, written notification is still required to excuse any absence upon return. Finally, if you have provided advance notice of your child’s absence or if they are tardy, you may not receive a call.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this automated notification system, please contact your building principal. Thank you.


Jeremy Secrist

finalforms logo 111 175 108
Lexington Schools is transitioning to FinalForms for online forms (emergency,medical,etc.) instead of the paper packet that is typically sent home at the start of the school year.

To register a new student, please click on the following link: Lexington FinalForms

If your student is already attending Lexington and you have not received an email confirmation from FinalForms, please call your student's building so the secretaries can update your email address in the FinalForms system. Once your email address has been entered, you will receive a confirmation email from FinalForms to create an account.

2024 2025BoardApprovedCalendar

Please see the links below to view Lexington's Extended Learning Plan and Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan.

Extended Learning Plan

Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

Best advice is if you approach, from either direction, a school bus stopped on or along the road, for any reason, with or without its lights flashing STOP.

We must all do our part of keep our precious children safe on their way to and from school each day. No one should be in such a hurry to jeopardize children's safety.


"The Lexington Local Schools, through a partnership with our children's families and our community, will provide the BEST possible curricular and co-curricular opportunities to challenge all students to reach their highest potential, to enjoy learning and to make positive contributions within their homes and communities."

District Events

2024 2025CalendarHighlights