College Credit Plus

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CCP Presentation 2025

CCP Application Process (Fall 2025)

CCP Intent to Participate Form

In addition to the wide range of courses that we have available here at LHS, there are other academic options available to our students.


The College Credit Plus (CCP) program is an opportunity for high school students to take college courses while still enrolled in high school. Students have the option of completing courses on a college campus, online, or at LHS.


College classes at LHS include both classes that are taught by LHS teachers who are eligible to serve as adjunct faculty through NCSC.


Classes being taught at LHS include:  English Academic Writing, English Research Writing, Early America, Modern America, American Government, Life in the Sea, Introduction to Art, Psychology, Human Communication, Intermediate Spanish I, Intermediate Spanish II, Elementary Statisitics.


There are a lot of details involved in participating in the CCP program and students must complete and submit the paperwork before April 1st to indicate their intent to participate in the CCP program in the following school year.  Students are eligible to take classes during the summer in addition to during the school year.

In order to explain all of the details of the program and to provide you with the forms necessary, students and parents should attend our informational Academic Options meeting on January 24th at 7pm in the HS Auditorium.

If you have any interest in learning more about College Credit Plus, please talk to your counselor!

College Credit Plus - Eligibility Information


You are responsible to communicate any changes in your college course schedule to Lexington High School Student Services within 24 hours. Failure to report any changes may result in a student being deemed ineligible to participate in high school athletics. Any questions see your counselor OR Mr. Eichorn in Athletics.

Please refer to this link explaining Guidlines for Student Athletic Eligibility produced by the OHSAA: Guidelines