Lexington Local Schools Wellness committee is open to anyone wishing to participate. We review the policy and its effectiveness every three years, making adjustments the committee finds beneficial to the Lexington students. If you would like to participate please contact Tricia Volz at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


DID YOU KNOW?  Lexington Schools has breakfast. Beginning in August, breakfast has been offered each morning.

Breakfast consists of:

String Cheese
Juice Cup

Breakfast Costs:

Paid- $1.50
Reduced- $0.30
Free - Free

Breakfast is available to every student in the district including kindergarteners.  Anyone who may qualify for free or reduced lunches automatically qualifies for Free or Reduced Breakfast.  If you think you may qualify and have not turned in an application, you may apply at anytime throughout the school year.  Applications may be picked up at each school or call 419-884-2192 to have an application sent home with your child or mailed.

Inclement weather can create bumps in the road which we will handle as follows:

Late Busses:  If we are having school but your child’s bus is running late and they get to school a few minutes late they are still able to have breakfast.  They need to go straight to the cafeteria from the bus and get a “grab and go” breakfast to take to their classroom.

The “grab and go” breakfast consists of cereal bar, string cheese,fruit, milk and juice.

2 Hour Delays:  In the event of a two hour delay, breakfast will not be served that day.

We have many students taking advantage of breakfast at school and wanted to let parents know that we are serving breakfast every day.  Should your student want to participate, all they do is go straight to the cafeteria upon arrival, get breakfast, sit in the cafeteria, eat, and then get to class for a full day of learning.  Should you have any questions about breakfast direct them to Tricia Volz, Food Service Director at 419-884-2192 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We utilize an electronic meal accounting system.  Each student has an individual debit account.  Students enter a "PIN" number as they go through the lunch line that authorizes transactions.  This system provides greater accuracy, faster service and the confidentiality of a student's eligibility status.  It provides a detailed record of the activity on a child's account and allows parents to determine if their child will be able to purchase ala carte items.

We encourage you to keep your child's account current by pre-paying for meals.  Elementary students are allowed two charges before phone calls are made home.  Jr. and Sr. High students are allowed one charge which must be paid the next day. Account balances are the responsibility of the students and parents. 

Free and reduced meal applications are available from the school offices, or by calling the Food Service Office at (419)-884-2192. Free and reduced meal applications may be submitted anytime throughout the school year. 

Breakfast Prices

Paid            $1.50
Reduced    $ .30
Lunch Prices
Sr. & Jr. High:
Lunch        $3.25-$3.50
Reduced     $0.40
Paid             $3.00
Reduced     $0.40
Lunch     $4.25

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