Job Postings
Current Job Postings
Certified Employment Application Form
Classified Employment Application Form
Head Varsity Softball Coach
Lexington High School is looking for a Varsity Head Softball Coach. Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume, and list of references to athletic director Jeff Eichorn, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Resumes will be accepted through August 14, 2024, or until filled.
4 Hour Bus Aide
Lexington Local Schools is hiring a 4 hour bus aide for the 2024-2025 school year. Interested candidates should submit a completed application (Lexington Classified Application) to Assistant Superintendent Kevin Young at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1:1 Aide Positions
Lexington Local Schools is hiring 1:1 aide positions throughout the district for the 2024-25 school year. Interested candidates should fill out a classified application at (Lexington Classified Application) and send to Kevin Young, Assistant Superintendent via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact the board office at 419-884-1111
Substitute Bus Driver
Lexington Local Schools is still in need of substitute bus drivers. We will do all the training at the bus garage. Please call the bus garage at 419-884-2349 for an application and more information.
Lexington Local Schools is looking for substitute teachers, aides, custodians, food service, and bus drivers. Please contact the board office if you are interested (419-884-2132).
**Please click on the following link for qualification information for those interested in substitute teaching: Substitute Teaching Information**
Lexington Local Schools Switching Texting Service
Lexington School Community,
Lexington Local Schools will be switching texting service providers for public and emergency communications. If you have students attending any of our schools, you will automatically be enrolled. If you do not have children attending Lexington Local Schools, you will have to sign up again through the link below. We are excited about this change in service, as it is geared towards providing a better communication experience for our school community. Thank you for your continued support!
Lexington Local Schools alerts sign up:
Jeremy Secrist, Superintendent
Raptor Visitor Management System
Lexington Families:
Lexington Local Schools is excited to announce that we will be utilizing the Raptor Visitor Management System in all buildings. This new system will add another layer of safety and security for our staff and students.
With the implementation of this new system, the following procedures are what you can expect as we move forward with this new security measure:
• All visitors to our schools (parent, volunteer, substitute, contractor) that wish to walk through the building will need to have a valid ID card that will be scanned with the Raptor system (state issued ID, drivers license, military ID).
• Your ID will be scanned into the Raptor system each time you visit. Raptor will run all visitor information through the current federal and state sex offender registries along with any custom created databases of banned visitors or domestic/custodial issues.
• Once cleared, an individual will be printed a custom visitor sticker with their photo, or given a visitor’s badge that they wear in the building.
• If an individual is flagged as an “alert,” the School Resource Officer and Administration will be sent a text alert and will meet with the individual to resolve the situation.
• Student drivers will not need a parent to sign out, but will require a phone call to, or from, the office.
Adopting this new system will ensure that every guest in any of our buildings, regardless of purpose, will have been screened and will have a visible ID indicating they have been cleared to be in the building.
Please make sure you bring your valid ID card with you anytime you wish to visit any of our buildings.
Your cooperation with this new procedure is greatly appreciated and is one small step that everyone can take to keep our staff and students as safe as possible.
Thank you for your cooperation and support. Go Lex!
Jeremy Secrist, Superintendent
Officers Chris Glennon and James Anderson, School Resource Officers
Automated Parent Notification System
Dear Parents,
We utilize BrightArrow in our district, an automated parent notification system. The system will notify parents if their child is absent from school using the contact information you’ve provided in FinalForms.
When your child is absent the system will make an automated call to the primary number listed in FinalForms. It will also send a text message and email to the first two contacts listed in FinalForms.
Below is the message you will receive via phone and email:
This is an attendance notification from Lexington Local Schools. Your student, [[firstname]] was marked absent this morning, [[today’s date]]. Please send a note with your child upon return to excuse this absence. Press any key to repeat this message. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
An additional note is included with text messages:
Lexington Local Schools would like to continue sending you text messages. To receive these messages, please reply YES.
(We suggest you reply YES to continue receiving alerts).
You are still strongly encouraged to call the school to report your child’s absence. Additionally, written notification is still required to excuse any absence upon return. Finally, if you have provided advance notice of your child’s absence or if they are tardy, you may not receive a call.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this automated notification system, please contact your building principal. Thank you.
Jeremy Secrist
FinalForms (Online Forms/Registration)
Lexington Schools is transitioning to FinalForms for online forms (emergency,medical,etc.) instead of the paper packet that is typically sent home at the start of the school year.
To register a new student, please click on the following link: Lexington FinalForms
If your student is already attending Lexington and you have not received an email confirmation from FinalForms, please call your student's building so the secretaries can update your email address in the FinalForms system. Once your email address has been entered, you will receive a confirmation email from FinalForms to create an account.
Lexington's Extended Learning Plan and Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
Please see the links below to view Lexington's Extended Learning Plan and Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan.
Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
Reminder of the Laws on Stopping for School Buses
Best advice is if you approach, from either direction, a school bus stopped on or along the road, for any reason, with or without its lights flashing STOP.
We must all do our part of keep our precious children safe on their way to and from school each day. No one should be in such a hurry to jeopardize children's safety.