The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the Robert H. Whitney Performing Arts Center on Wednesday, December 18, 2024. Mr. Keith Stoner, President, called the meeting to order. Roll was called by the Treasurer.
Roll Call – Members present: Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Dave Roberts, Mr. Rob Schuster, Mr. Keith Stoner, Ms. Lore’ Whitney -----5
Mr. Stoner welcomed visitors to the meeting and asked if any visitors would like to be recognized.
Student Representative Report
Student Representative, Gracie Masi, provided the Board with an update regarding various activities throughout the District, including athletics, clubs, and other student activities, and important upcoming dates.
Public Participation
Visitor Steve Risser addressed the Board on behalf of the Lexington Kiwanis to say thank you for another successful breakfast event that saw the numbers increase from 690 last year to over 900 this year. Mr. Risser noted that this event has now been ongoing for over 30 years and raises monies for scholarships to support students in their future academics. Mr. Risser thanked the Board for partnering and making the facilities available for the event and thanked the Lexington Key Club, Lexington National Honor Society, and Troop 152 for their assistance and support for the event. Mr. Risser also noted that the music provided by the Lexington music department was a big hit and much appreciated.
Administrative Report – High School
High School Principal Jamie Masi, along with Assistant Principals Andrew Saris and Ashley Rebillot, provided the Board with an update of various items and information for the High School. Mr. Masi provided the Board with information related to student achievements, academic successes, support and leadership from dedicated staff, student impact from increased rigor, State assessment progress, PBIS impacts, and various exposure and opportunities for students. Mr.
Saris shared disciplinary data with the Board showing the positive impact of PBIS implementation.
Mr. Masi also noted the benefits of being in the new building as well as the inclusion of advisory time within student schedules. This advisory time has allowed for increased tutoring during the day for students, as well as, department meetings for various high school departments, which has all helped to improve student achievement. Mr. Masi thanked the Board for their continued support and made special note to thank Mr. Secrist and Mr. Young for their support and leadership.
58-24 Motion by Mr. Schuster, seconded by Dr. Gottschling to approve the following financial items: 1. The minutes from the November meeting were approved.
2. The monthly financial report for November 2024 was presented.
3. Approved the donation of a ¾ size violin, case, and bow from Mr. Carl Frederick valued at approximately $583.15 to be used for students at Eastern Elementary.
4. Approved renewal with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield for medical, Rx, and dental insurance administrative services for Calendar Year 2025 at the following rates:
• Medical / Rx / Stop Loss Administrative fees of $40.64 per employee per month;
• Dental Administrative fees of $5.16 per employee, per month;
• Pharmacy Rebate Offset of ($45.00) per employee per month;
5. Approved Specific Stop Loss coverage through Anthem for Calendar Year 2025 at a premium of $264.26 per employee per month.
6. Approved the 2025 medical, dental, and vision insurance funding rates, representing a 6.76% increase for medical and a 3.37% increase for dental.
Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Ms. Whitney, Mr. Stoner -----5 Nay: None ----0
Motion adopted.
59-24 Motion by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Ms. Whitney to approve the following personnel items:
Resignation: Accepted the following resignations:
Kim Garver - Intervention Specialist at Eastern, effective
December 3, 2024
Cailyn Kennedy - Intervention Specialist at Western, effective May 30, 2025
Retirement: Approved Anne Mutti’s retirement request as Junior High English, effective June 1, 2025.
Employment: Approved the following for the 2024-2025 school year:
Todd Galownia - District Intervention Specialist, effective December 9, 2024, contract for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year
Abbi Masi - Long-term sub, Physical Education during the 2024-2025 school year
Cassidy Albright - Long-term sub, Eastern from January 6 – May 28, 2025
Abbie Higinbotham - Long-term sub, High School English, from approximately March 31 – May 29, 2025
Salary Adjustment: Approved Bruce Dewey’s salary adjustment from MA to MA + 10.
Resignation: Accepted Shelley Griffith’s resignation as two-hour preschool bus aide, effective December 2, 2024.
Employment: Approved the employment of the following for the 2024-2025 school year:
Milvia Kendrick - Educational aide, Central, contract for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year, effective December 16, 2024
Norm Nichols - Transportation, recant start date from October 7, 2024 to January 1, 2025, contract for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year
Brian Smith - Sub custodian, effective December 9, 2024
Shelley Griffith - Transportation, 2-hour midday driver for pre-school, effective December 3, 2024
Terri Haeseker - Transportation, 2-hour midday bus aide for pre-school, effective December 10, 2024
Allison Bates - Educational aide, Western, contract for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year, effective January 6, 2025
Coaching Resignation: Accepted Jay Porter’s resignation as boys’ JV soccer coach.
Coaching Recommendation: Approved Dave Watters as a volunteer assistant swim coach for the 2024-2025 school year.
2025 Board Meeting: Approved January 15, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. for the January Organizational and Regular Board meetings.
Parent Volunteer: Approved the following parent/building volunteers for the 2024-2025 school year:
Karrie Davisson
Casey Britton
Lizabeth Usher
Tara Rose
Shawna Hess
Amber Murfield
Andrea Schenian
Megan Hostetler
22+ Graduate: Approved the 22+ graduate who resides in our district.
Board Policy: Adopted Board Policy 2265 – Protections of Individual Beliefs, Affiliations, Ideals, or Principles of Political Movements and Ideology.
Substitute Lists: Approved the substitute lists as provided by MOESC dated November 22nd through December 13, 2024.
Public Records Training: Approved Treasurer, Jason Whitesel, as the designee on behalf of Mr. Stoner, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Schuster, and Ms. Whitney for the Auditor of State public records.
OSBA Membership: Approved to join OSBA for calendar year 2025.
OFCC Resolution: Approved the Resolution Authorizing the Execution of the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission Project Agreement and Related Matters.
Tax Anticipation Note Resolution: Approved the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Notes in the Amount of Not to Exceed $3,200,000 in Anticipation of the Collection of Permanent Improvement Tax Proceeds.
Discussion Regarding Tax Anticipation Note Resolution:
1. David Conley from Rockmill Financial and Catherine Swartz from Bricker and Graydon were in attendance and presented to the Board regarding an overview of school facilities construction financing for the District now that the OFCC is ready to move forward. Mr.
Conley and Ms. Swartz provided the Board with information regarding the following:
• Background – The Board was provided information on the original issuance including the estimated interest rate market vs. the actual interest rate at the time the bonds were sold, noting that while the estimate at the time was 5.25%, the actual all-in true interest cost was a rate of 3.011747%. This lower interest rate allowed for the term total of the bonds to be cut from 37 years to 30 years, resulting in an overall interest cost savings of just under $28 million.
• Demand for Lexington Bonds – Mr. Conley noted that a major part of the reason for interest rate savings was the demand for Lexington Bonds as over $108 million in orders came in for approximately $56 million bond issuance; • Financing Team – Mr. Conley and Ms. Swartz shared with the Board the makeup of the financing team that included Rockmill Financial, Bricker & Eckler (now Bricker Graydon), and PNC Capital Markets;
• Next Steps and Evaluation – Mr. Conley and Ms. Swartz covered various options for next steps and fully funding the local share obligation for the District, noting the most timely and cost-effective option for the District is to leverage the District’s existing Permanent Improvement levy and finance an amount not to exceed $3 million through Tax Anticipation Notes. This option ensures funds are secured timely and less costly and ensures the local share obligation is met without the need of any additional bond issuance or levy;
• Financing Plan – Mr. Conley shared that the financing plan would be to issue these Tax Anticipation Notes for an amount not to exceed $3.2 million through direct placement with a financial institution offering the best terms after distribution of the necessary term sheet. The target date to close and financing and have funds in the bank will be March 1, 2025, or sooner.
• Timeline of Next Steps – Mr. Conley shared the following timeline of next steps:
o December 18, 2024 – Approve the authorizing legislation;
o December 19, 2024 – Finalize the Term Sheet for the financing;
o December 20, 2024 – Circulate the Term Sheet to potential lenders;
o January 16, 2025 – Receive financing bids;
o February 6, 2025 – Close financing
The Board thanked Mr. Conley and Ms. Swartz for their attendance and presentation and also thanked them for their continued support, services, and expertise provided to our District.
Post-Issuance Compliance: Approved the Post-Issuance Compliance Policy approving a written Post-Issuance Compliance Policy in connections with the issuance of tax-exempt and tax-preferred obligations by the School District.
Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Schuster, Ms. Whitney, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Stoner ----5 Nay: None ----0
Motion adopted.
1. OFCC Resolution – With the passage of the OFCC Resolution to move forward with the next phase to build our elementary building, Mr. Stoner provided comments about the exciting news of moving forward with our long-awaited elementary building. Mr. Stoner noted that he was grateful, excited, and emotional to receive the news. He added that Mr. Secrist and Mr. Whitesel shared this wonderful news with staff earlier in the month and he had an opportunity to share the news with the PTO. Mr. Stoner added there is an excitement in the air and there will be a countless number of decisions as we review the initial planning from years ago, and adapt to our current circumstances.
Mr. Stoner expressed his confidence in Mr. Secrist and Mr. Whitesel to continue to lead the District as we transition into planning and construction of the new elementary building.
He noted that the Board is thankful, and fortunate, for their leadership and added that we are committed to moving forward expeditiously but also with transparency for the voters who approved the bond issue which started this process in motion.
Mr. Stoner also wanted to be sure to thank a few others who assisted in the effort to secure our State funding. Mr. Stoner noted that Commissioner Tony Vero was in attendance at the Board meeting, and noted his efforts in helping to connect District officials with our representatives in Columbus. Mr. Stoner added that Mr. Vero was always eager to assist us in any way that he could.
Mr. Stoner also added that while Senator Mark Romanchuk was unable to attend the Board meeting this evening, he previously met with our team numerous times throughout the process and facilitated meetings with the OFCC officials. Senator Romanchuk was especially helpful in connecting us when the OFCC leadership transitioned to a new team. Mr. Stoner noted that Senator Romanchuk was always willing to listen and helped us to keep the needs of Lexington Schools before the appropriate audience whenever possible.
Mr. Stoner addressed our legal team and financial experts and thanked them for their continuous Counsel and support throughout this process. Mr. Stoner indicated it has been a long road with a positive outcome, adding that the funding gap caused by inflation during the delay was a significant concern for the Board and we are thrilled to be able to finance these funds without returning to our constituents.
Finally, Mr. Stoner thanked our faculty, staff, and our voters for their patience and interest throughout this process. Mr. Stoner noted there is much yet to be done, but tonight we took a definitive step toward making a new elementary building available for the future students of Lexington Schools.
60-24 Motion by Ms. Whitney, seconded by Dr. Gottschling, to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, and employment of a public employee or official, preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
Time entered: 8:06 p.m.
Returned to regular session: 8:32 p.m.
61-24 Motion by Mr. Schuster, seconded by Ms. Whitney to adjourn. 8:39 p.m.
Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Schuster, Ms. Whitney, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Stoner -----5 Nay: None -----0
Motion adopted.
Certificate Section 5705.412, Ohio Revised Code
It is hereby certified that the Lexington Local School District Board of Education, Richland County, Ohio, Has sufficient funds to meet the contract agreement, obligation, payment or expenditure for the above, and has in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year and succeeding fiscal year the authorization to levy taxes which, when combined with the estimated revenue from all other sources available to the district at the time of certification, are sufficient to provide operating revenues necessary to enable the district to operate an adequate educational program on all days set forth in its adopted school calendar for the current fiscal year and for a number of days in the succeeding fiscal year equal to the number of day’s instruction was or is scheduled for the current fiscal year.
Superintendent _______________________