The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the Robert H. Whitney Performing Arts Center on Wednesday, September 20, 2023. Mr. Robert Whitney, President, called the meeting to order. Roll was called by the Treasurer.

Roll Call – Members present: Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Dave Roberts, Mr. Keith Stoner, Mr. Robert Whitney ----4 Absent: Mr. Rob Schuster ----1


Mr. Whitney welcomed visitors to the meeting and asked if any visitors would like to be recognized.

Student Representative, Jacob Halfhill, provided the Board with an update regarding various activities throughout the District, including athletics, clubs, other student activities, and important upcoming dates.

Central Office Facilities / Maintenance Report

Assistant Superintendent, Kevin Young, provided the Board with an update regarding the various maintenance activities throughout the District, including the following:

• Completed move and set-up of our preschool at Mid-Ohio ESC; • Completed move of the new elementary grade alignment; • Installed new windows, door, & security upgrades at the bus garage; • Addressed the start of the school year maintenance requests, including hanging new smartboards, moving internet drop locations within the rooms, adding outlets, fixing doors, patching roofs, among other maintenance items; • Focused on putting finishing touches on the new building, including completion of the Academic Wall of Fame, completion of the Art Wall of Fame, and continuing to complete the Athletic Wall of Fame;

• Completing the wooden Minuteman logo from the previous high school gym that has been pieced back together and will hang in the main high school entrance once it is re-painted and finished;

• Ordered a new plaque that will hang at the junior high entrance signifying the pillar wrapped with the old red bricks.

Mr. Young wanted to send a special thank you to Craig Clever and the maintenance and custodial staff for all the hard work they do to continue to make all the buildings in the District look amazing.


44-23 Motion by Mr. Stoner seconded by Dr. Gottschling to approve the following financial items:

1. The minutes from the August regular meeting was approved

2. The monthly financial report for August 2023 was presented.

3. Approved permanent appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024 at the fund level.

4. Approved an invoice in the amount of $34,875 to River Education Services for tuition for students enrolled in the LEAP program.

5. Accepted a donation of a Selmer clarinet and a Yamaha clarinet from Molly Bradbury valued approximately $500 each.

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----4 Nay: None ----0 Absent: Mr. Schuster ----1
Motion adopted.


45-23 Motion by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Stoner, to approve the following personnel items:


Retirement: Accepted Connie Doutt’s retirement, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.

Resignation: Accepted Christy Steele’s resignation as elementary social worker, effective September 15, 2023.

Maternity Leave: Accepted Rachel Carroll’s request for maternity leave from approximately February 16, 2024 through the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year.

Employment: Approved the following for employment:

Roxanne Drueschler - High School safety monitor, before & after school

Bruce Dewey - Junior High student council co-advisor

Kaitlyn Swartzmiller - Junior High student council co-advisor

Matt Roggio - Spanish club advisor (1/2 contract)

Melanie Stilson - Spanish club advisor (1/2 contract)

Lori Hoyt - Eastern, long-term sub for maternity leave from approximately October 2 – December 20, 2023, $110 per day

Jennifer Butler - Elementary counselor, Western & Central, one-year contract, effective October 23, 2023


Resignations: Accepted Marsha Eldridge’s resignation as Western’s educational aide, effective September 1, 2023.

Employment: Approved the employment of the following for the 2023-2024 school year:

Amanda Jones - Western, sub calling

Jaclyn Dodson - Food Service, kitchen supervisor, Eastern

Linda Smith - Food Service, 6-hour general help, effective September 1, 2023, one-year contract

Greta Gadfield - Educational aide, Western, effective September 5, 2023, one-year contract

Thiam Fatou - Transportation, sub bus driver upon completion of CDL test

Michael Dernbach - Transportation, sub bus driver upon completion of CDL test

Tonya Lane - Transportation, sub bus driver upon completion of CDL test & sub van driver upon completion of van training

Tina Wright - Transportation, sub van driver upon completion of van driving

Jamie Bell - Substitute educational aide, for the 2023-2024 school year, pending completion of all pre-employment requirements

Approved the following Renhill aides as district substitute educational aides when the student they work with is absent:

Elissa Anderson

Haylee Hershner

Becky Avery

Julie Jungeberg

Shayann Burchfield

Angela Lynch

Liz Brant

Christina Mueller

Crystal Cremeans

Tammy Pitt

Sharon Fesmier

Jessica Reasor

Debbie Furr

Emalee Riel

Destinee Green

Penny Strine

Donna Wolford

Jay’Anah Yelton

Approved the following as Food Service subs for the 2023-2024 school year:

Lisa McClain

Jean Strickland

Susan Meister

Mike Ziegelhofer

Seth Cole

Elimitaiza Bartman

Cheryl Rose

Gretchen Wuchich

Gary Weaver

Julie Wallace

Cynthia Holfinger (upon successful completion of background check)


Tuition Students: Accepted the following tuition students for the 2023-2024 school year:

Hanna Waterman - New, grade 11

Abigail Johnson - New, grade 11

Coaching Recommendations: Approved the following coaches for 2023-2024 school year:

Roger Long - Head coach bowling

Jason Whitesel - Volunteer assistant bowling

Jeff Stehle - Volunteer assistant bowling

Scott Hamilton - Head boys’ basketball

Tad Davis - JV boys’ basketball

Derrick Shelenberger - Freshman boys’ basketball

Jay Guth - Volunteer assistant boys’ basketball

Mason Willeke - Volunteer assistant boys’ basketball

Kevin Morrow - 7th grade boys’ basketball

Buck Morton - 8th grade boys’ basketball

Tricia Brown - Volunteer assistant girls’ basketball

Jay Schmidt - 7th grade girls’ basketball

Heidi Roush - 8th grade girls’ basketball

Brock Spurling - Head swim & dive

Rob Roth - Assistant swim & dive

Melisa Watters - Assistant swim

Melisa Watters - Junior high swim

Libby Nickoli - Junior high swim

John Watkins - Head wrestling

Jonathan Watkins - Assistant wrestling

David (Mike) Moore - Volunteer assistant wrestling

Mike Mampieri - Volunteer assistant wrestling

Seth Cole - Junior High wrestling

Jacob Brown - Junior High wrestling

Parent Volunteers: Approved the following as parent volunteers for the 2023-2024 school year:

Teresa Close - Western

Melissa Hassmann - Western

Judy Renfrow - Western

Katie Kosht - Western

Sub Nurse: Approved Ellen Meredith as a substitute nurse for the 2023-2024 school year.

In Lieu of Transportation: Approved payment for “In Lieu of Transportation” for Lexington students attending Discovery School, Ashland Christian and Gilead Christian.

Verification of Outside Agency: Approved the Verification of Outside Agency form for persons who enter buildings from an outside agency on a regular basis to serve students.

LPDC Manual: Approved the new LPDC Manual.

Board Policy Updates: Approved the revised Board policies: 0131.1 - Technical Corrections

2114 - Meeting State Performance Indicators 3120.09 - Volunteers (rescind policy)

4120.09 - Volunteers (rescind policy)

2271 - College Credit Plus Program

2412 - Homebound Instruction Program

3215 - Tobacco Use Prevention (Certified Staff) 4215 - Tobacco Use Prevention (Classified Staff) 5310 - Health Services

5460 - Graduation Requirements

5512 - Tobacco Use Prevention (Indoors)

5610 - Removal, Suspension, Expulsion, and Permanent Exclusion of Students 6325 - Procurement – Federal Grants/Funds

7434 - Tobacco Use Prevention (chew)

7540 -Technology

7540.01 - Technology Privacy

7540.02 - Web Accessibility Content Apps & Services 7540.03 - Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety

7540.04 - Staff Technology Acceptable Use and Safety 8120 - Volunteers

8300 - Continuity of Organizational Operations Plan 8305 - Information Security

8315 - Information Management

8390 - Animals on District Property

8400 - School Safety

8420 - Emergency Situations at Schools

8462 - Student Abuse and Neglect

9160 - Public Attendance at School Events

9700.01 - Advertising and Commercial Activities

Substitute List: Approved the revised Lexington substitute list dated August 15, 2023 as presented by MOESC.

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Roberts, Mr. Stoner, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Whitney ----4 Nay: None ----0 Absent: Mr. Schuster ----1
Motion adopted.


1. Renewal Levy – Mr. Secrist and Mr. Whitesel discussed with the Board the renewal levy that was last passed in 2014 and collects $2.7 million annually, representing approximately 10% of the General Fund operating budget. The Board discussed the fact that as a renewal this is not a new tax and does not result in a tax increase. Mr. Secrist and Mr. Whitesel discussed with the Board the fact that our community has been very supportive of the District, especially with regard to renewal levies. It was also discussed that there was a Need to determine whether to proceed with placing the renewal on the March 2024 ballot or to wait until November 2024. Given that it is an election year with a Presidential primary, the Spring ballot is moved up from May to March. The Board agreed that it would be best to proceed with placement of the renewal on the March 2024 ballot.

2. Village of Lexington – Mr. Secrist introduced Bob Jarvis, who is running unopposed for Mayor of Lexington. Mr. Secrist shared that he looks forward to working with Mr. Jarvis and continuing the great working relationship between the District and the Village. Mr.

Jarvis addressed the Board and noted that he was also looking forward to continuing the great working relationship and partnership between the Village and the District.


46-23 Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Dr. Gottschling to adjourn. 7:38 p.m.

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----4 Nay: None ----0 Absent: Mr. Schuster ----1
Motion adopted.

Certificate Section 5705.412, Ohio Revised Code It is hereby certified that the Lexington Local School District Board of Education, Richland County, Ohio, has sufficient funds to meet the contract agreement, obligation, payment or expenditure for the above, and has in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year and succeeding fiscal year the authorization to levy taxes which, when combined with the estimated revenue from all other sources available to the district at the time of certification, are sufficient to provide operating revenues necessary to enable the district to operate an adequate educational program on all days set forth in its adopted school calendar for the current fiscal year and for a number of days in the succeeding fiscal year equal to the number of day’s instruction was or is scheduled for the current fiscal year.



Superintendent __________________________