The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the Eastern Elementary music room on Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Mr. Robert Whitney, President, called the meeting to order. Roll was called by the Treasurer.

Roll Call – Members present: Mr. Rob Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Dave Roberts, Mr. Keith Stoner, Mr. Robert Whitney ----5


Mr. Whitney welcomed visitors to the meeting and made various publications and mailings available.

Student Representative Report

Student Representative, Chloe Dean, provided the Board with an update of various ongoing activities throughout the District, including athletics, clubs, other student activities, and important upcoming dates.

Admin Update – Eastern Elementary

Eastern Principal, Michael Grist and Dean of Students, Stacy Davis, provided the Board with an update of various ongoing activities at Eastern, including the following:

• Elementary motto throughout the District – Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Ready;

• Student Growth Diagnostics – Student growth from fall to winter diagnostics is evident in the data;

• PBIS – A “Shout Out” Board has been created to give students credit for positive impacts caused by being respectful, responsible, and ready. A monthly counter is also maintained for each category and each grade based on these positive impacts:

• Matrix – The PBIS Matrix detailing positive actions is displayed throughout the building;

• Student Successes – Mr. Grist shared various student successes and accomplishments by Eastern students including Academic Challenge, Math Counts and Spelling Bee achievements;

• Pi Bee – The annual Pi Bee is a competition to attempt to memorize as many digits of pi as possible. A new record of 332 digits was set this year by Ebubechukwu E.;

• Robotics Club – Mr. Grist provided an update on plans and activities for the Robotics Club at Eastern Elementary;

• Youth Fine Arts Month – Mr. Grist shared that the month of March is Youth Fine Arts Month and the work that Mrs. Haas does to promote Youth Fine Arts;

• Art Spotlight – Student Quinn G. shared with the Board her love or art and appreciation of support for the arts and shared a note from Governor Mike DeWine that she had received for her artwork that placed 3rd in the State.

Mr. Grist concluded with his excitement regarding all the great things that are happening for the students and thanked the Board for their support of the students.


20-23 Motion by Mr. Schuster, seconded by Mr. Stoner to approve the following financial items: 1. The minutes from the February regular meeting was approved 2. The monthly financial report for February 2023 was presented.

3. Approved the “Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the necessary Tax Levies and Certifying Them to the County Auditor”.

4. Approved an invoice from Mid-Ohio ESC in the amount of $7,930.08 for Assistant Psychology and RBT services.

5. Approved an invoice from ComDoc in the amount of $7,121 for copier card reader hardware and integration services.

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Schuster, Mr. Stoner, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5 Nay: None ----0
Motion adopted.


21-23 Motion by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Dr. Gottschling to approve the following personnel items:


Employment: Approved the following for employment:

Zoe McGowan - Kindergarten, one-year contract, effective August 18, 2023

Sarah Drees - Pre-School integrated teacher, one-year contract, effective August 18, 2023

Brittany Molnar - Kindergarten, one-year contract, effective August 18, 2023

Emily Santamaria - High School Spanish (part-time), one-year contract, effective August 18, 2023, pending successful completion of all pre-employment requirements

Salary Adjustment: Approved Bruce Dewey to move from BS + 10 to BS + 20.


Employment: Approved the following for employment:

Nicol Wong - Second shift high school custodian, effective March 6, 2023, contract for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year, one-year contract for 2023-2024

Elimiitaiza Bartman - Food Service substitute, pending successful completion of background check

Kaylee Fye - Substitute educational aide


Coaching Resignations: Accepted the following resignations for the 2023-2024 school year:

Ryan Oliver - High School assistant football coach

John Watkins - 7th grade football coach

Coaching Recommendation: Approved Thomas Ballinger as the boys’ Varsity Golf coach for the 2023-2024 school year. Athletic Director, Jeff Eichorn, introduced the new Varsity Boys’ Golf Coach Tom Ballinger who was in attendance.

School Calendars: Approved the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years.

Tuition Students: Approved the following tuition students for the 2023-2024 school year:

Parker Swartzmiller-West - New, KG, tuition waived per Board policy following working parent

Karl Etzel - Continuing, grade 12

Philip Etzel - New, grade 9

Substitute Nurse: Approved Melissa Orton, RN, as a substitute nurse.

Substitute Lists: Approved the revised Lexington substitute lists dated February 22, 2023, as presented by MOESC.

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Roberts, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Schuster, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Whitney ----5 Nay: None ----0
Motion adopted.


22-23 Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Schuster, to enter into executive session consider the appointment, employment, promotion, or compensation of a public employee or official.

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5 Nay: None ----0
Motion adopted.

Time entered: 7:49 p.m.

Returned to regular session: 8:43 p.m.


Tax Incentive Review – Mr. Stoner noted that the Tax Incentive Review would be taking place on Thursday, March 16, to review various ongoing tax incentives for companies in the area.


23-23 Motion by Mr. Schuster seconded by Dr. Gottschling to adjourn. 8:50 p.m.

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Whitney ----5 Nay: None ----0
Motion adopted.

Certificate Section 5705.412, Ohio Revised Code

It is hereby certified that the Lexington Local School District Board of Education, Richland County, Ohio, has sufficient funds to meet the contract agreement, obligation, payment or expenditure for the above, and has in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year and succeeding fiscal year the authorization to levy taxes which, when combined with the estimated revenue from all other sources available to the district at the time of certification, are sufficient to provide operating revenues necessary to enable the district to operate an adequate educational program on all days set forth in its adopted school calendar for the current fiscal year and for a number of days in the succeeding fiscal year equal to the number of day’s instruction was or is scheduled for the current fiscal year.



Superintendent _________________________