Special Meeting
December 22, 2020
7:00 p.m.
The Lexington Board of Education met in special session in the Robert H. Whitney Board of Education Meeting Room at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 16, 2020. Mr. Robert Whitney, President, called the meeting to order. Roll was called by the Treasurer.
Roll Call – Members present: Mr. Keith Stoner, Dr. Martin Gottsdchling, Mr. Dave Roberts, Mr. Rob Schuster, Mr. Robert Whitney ----5
Mr. Whitney welcomed vistiors to the meeting and asked if any visitors would like to be recognized.
69-20 Motion by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Dr. Gottschling, to enter into executive session per R.C. 121.22(G)(4): Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their comprensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5
Nay: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0
Motion adopted.
Time entered: 7:02 p.m.
Returned to regular sesson: 7:19 p.m.
LTA Contract
70-20 Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Schuster, to approve the negotiated two-year contract with the LTA from September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2022.
Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5
Nay: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0
Motion adopted.
LSA Contract
71-20 Motion by Dr. Gottschling, seconded by Mr. Roberts, to approve the negotiated two-year contract with the LSA from September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2022.
Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5
Nay: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0
Motion adopted.
1. Quarantine Period - Mr. Schuster brought to the table for the Board discussion the idea of a 10 day quarantine vs a 14 day quarantine for students identified as close contacts, noting recent updates to CDC guidelines. Mr. Secrist shared with the Board the opinion of legal counsel on the matter and discussed the difficulty of maintaining 6 feet of distance in a school setting for days 11 thourgh 14 pursuant to the CDC guidelines. The Board further discussed the overall frustration with inconsistencies from county to county and decided to table the matter until the January 13th Board meeting in hopes that an ongoing study being conducted statewide will soon be completed.
2. Eastern Elementary -Mr. Secrist provided the Board with an update regarding Eastern Elementary, noting that things are going great at Eastern and Mr. Grist is doing a great job.
72-20 Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Schuster, to adjourn. 7:52 p.m.
Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5
Nay: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0
Motion adopted.
Certificate Section 5705.412, Ohio Revised Code
It is hereby certified that the Lexington Local School District Board of Education, Richland County, Ohio, has sufficient funds to meet the contract agreement, obligation, payment or expenditure for the above, and has in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year and succeeding fiscal year the authorization to levy taxes which, when combined with the estimated revenue from all other sources available to the district at the time of certification, are sufficient to provide operating revenues necessary to enable the district to operate an adequate educational program on all days set forth in its adopted school calendar for the current fiscal year and for a number of days in the succeeding fiscal year equal to the number of days instruction was or is scheduled for the current fiscal year.
Superintendent ____________________________