Regular Meeting
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
7:00 p.m.

The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the Robert H. Whitney Board of Education Meeting Room at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March, 20, 2019.  Mr. Robert Whitney, President, called the meeting to order. Roll was called by the Treasurer.

Roll Call – Members present: Mr. Keith Stoner, Dr. Martin Gottsdchling, Mr. Dave Roberts, Mr. Rob Schuster, Mr. Robert Whitney --- 5



              The Board recognized and congratulated the Lexington High School Varsity Swim and Dive Team for their accomplishments during the 2018-19 swim season. Head Coach Brock Spurling introduced members of the swim and dive team and highlighted the numerous individual and team accomplishments achieved throughout the season, including team placements at the OHSAA State Championships of 3rd place for the boys and 10th place for the girls. The boys were the highest finishing public school and Lexington was the only public school with both teams finishing int he top 10 at the State Championships. State qualifiers of the swim and dive team included swimmers Wilson C., Cayman E., Andrew H., Jordan H., Justice H., Jamin H., Jerrod K., Sarah M., Abbie M., Alli M., Connor M., Sage M., Olivia N., Ben S., Lily W., and divers Grey S., and Max R.   

The Board recognized and congratulated the Lexington High School Varsity Girls' Bowling Team and individual Scott O. from the Lexington High School Varsity Boys' Bowling Team for their accomplishments during the 2018-2019 bowling season, including qualifying for the OHSAA State Championships. Head coach Roger Long highlighted a number of individual and team accomplishments for the year, including a Team District Championship for the girls' team and a 9th place overall finish at the State Championships. They represented the first bowling team in school history to qualify for the State Championships. State qualifiers of the bowling team in attendance included Scott O., Brittany S., Payge W., Sam A., Meghan S., Maggie K., and Abby S.   

The Board recognized and congratulated the Lexington High School art students as the Lexington Art Department made history at the 2019 Ohio Governor's Youth Art Show. At the pretigious State level competition, only the top 300 pieces in the State are selected. The Lexington Art Department experienced at number of first time accomplishments as it was the first time 10 pieces of art made the show; it was the first time 2 pieces made the top 25 in the State. It was also the first time 5 art students qualified to have their pictures hung in the Art Hallway; Eli L, Kayla L. (2 pieces selected), Gabriella M, Gabe P. (3 pieces selected and 1 in the top 25), and Zoe S (top 25). Kayla L.also received a $60,000 scholarship from the University of Miami where she will be attending and majoring in Jewelry.

The Board recognized and congratulated the Lexington Eastern Elementary 5th grade Academic Teams comprised of Katya P., Addie S., Sammy R., Ben W., Alex T., Kyra B., Jesse H., Arianna C., and Owen G. The Academic Challenge Teams competed in two competitions at MOESC whre the two teams swept 1st and 2nd at each competition out of nearly 30 teams. The teams set a high score record at the second competition with a score of 124.

Mr. Whitney welcome visitors to the meeting. Mr. Whitney also made various publications available.

Student Representative Rhiannon Miller provided an update regarding various activities, throughout the District, including the following:

 Athletics and Student Activities

a. Winter sports have concluded another successful season;

b. Boys' basketball with a record of 18-6;

c. Congratulations to the Girls' Varsity Bowling team who finished 9th at the OHSAA Divison I State Championships;

d. Congratulations to the Boys' and Girls' Swim teams as they competed at the OHSAA Division II State Swim Championships. The boys finished 3rd and the girls finished 10th as a team.

e. Recently the 2018 State Champion Girls' Cross Country, the 2018 Boys' Individual State Champion, Kyle J., the 2018 Ohio Mr. Football, Cade S., went down to the Ohio Statehouse and were recognized for their accomplishments during an Ohio Senate Session;

f. Congratulations to the concert band on receiving a Superior rating at the Ohio Music Education Associations District band contest on Friday, March 15th.

g. Congratulations to Fire and Ice choir as they competed and qualified for the State Competition that will be held in April;

h. Spring sports are just around the corner and many teams have already begun practicing.


a. Key Club ran a pop tab contest with the 1st period classes. Mr. Henkels' class won by bringing in 26 punds of the 52 pounds of tabs collected. The officers and Mrs. Moore went down to Columbus to drop off the pop tabs and then were given a tour of the Ronald McDonald House, which is the largest in the world.

b. Prom committee is meeting frequently to help plan and set up the dance that will be held on May 4th.

c. NHS collaborated with Clear Fork High School to help collect and sell prom dresses. On March 2nd, the community was welcome to buy dresses with all the proceeds going to support the family of a local Shelby student.

d. Student council met two times this week to start planning their spring event.

Future Events

a. Academic letter applications are due this Friday;

b. Spring Break is March 25th - March 29th

c. State testing begins once we return from Spring Break;

d. The endof the 5th grading period is April 9th;

e. Lexington's Drama Club is performing Les Mis on April 11th - 13th at 7:30 p.m. and April 14th at 3:00 p.m.;

f. Prom is May 4th from 8-11 p.m.



16-19  Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Schuster to approve the following financial items:

1. The minutes from the February regular meeting was approved.

2. The monthly financial report for February 2019 was presented.

3. Approved the "Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifiying Them to the County Auditor"

4. Accepted donations of 15 office chairs, 5 whiteboards, 6 filing cabinets, 6 Kenwood radios, 30 bins, and 3 round tables from Siemens valued at approximately $2, 075.

5. Approved the enrollment in the Ohio School CompManagement Workers' Compensaton Group Retrospective Rating Program for the calendar year 2020; annual fee $3,455 and targeted savings of $24,631.


Roll Call – Yea:   Mr. Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----5

    Nay:  None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                  Motion adopted.  


17-19  Motion by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Dr. Gottschling to approve the following personnel items:


Resignation: Accepted the following resignations:

Mark Mauk - High school dean of students, effective June 30, 2019

Mary Ann Hallabrin - Eastern, Special Education, effective March 20, 2019

Salary Adjustments: Approved the salary adjustments for:

  Jennifer Berry - ME + 30 to ME+ 40

  Brittany Siringer - ME + 30 to ME+ 40

Employment: Approved Jenna Risacher as academic mentor, effective March 21 - May 2, $20.00 per hour


Employment:  Approved the employment of the following:

Pam Wisenbarger - Academic mentor sub, effective approximately February 28 - approximately April 26, $20.00 per hour

Cynthia Patrick - Transportation, 4 hour driver, contract for the remainder of the 2018-2019 school year, effective February 18, 2019

Mindy Guegold - Food service long-term substitute, effective March 4, 2019 for the reamnder of the 2018-2019 school year

Molly Arnett - Educational aide, high school, 1-year contract effective August 20, 2019

Janice Knox - Substitute educational aide, effective March 20, 2019

Other Business:  

Coaching Resignation: Accepted the resignation of Heidi Roush, varsity girls' basketball coach at the end of the 2018-2019 season.

Coaching Recommendation: Approved the coaching recommendation for Robert Meyer, volunteer softball.

Tuition Student:  Approved the following tuition students for the 2019-2020 school year:

Rosie Lawhorn - New, Central Elementary, kindergarten

Damon Mitchell - New, grade 6,  tuition waived per Board policy following a working parent

Gemma Tommelleo - Grade 12, tuition waived per Board policy allowing senior student to attend tuition free due to guardian moving out of the district

Substitute List: Approved the revised Lexington substitute list dated 02-27-2019 as presented by MOESC.

OFCC ELPP Application: Approved Resolution of Intent to Participate in the Ohio Facilities Commission Expedited Local Partnership and authorize the Superintendent and Treasurer to submit the OFCC ELPP Application and accompanying resolution.

NCOCC:  Accepted the fiscal year 2020 contract with NCOCC for the same technology services as previous years.

Board Policy Updates: Approved the adoption of the following Board Policy updates: 1.20 Socal Media (New); 4.00 Professional Staff Positions, Recruiting and Employment; 6.16 Graduation/Diploma Requirements; 6.20 Student Discipline; 6.21 Code of Student Conduct; 6.52 Electronic Communication Devices (New); 8.14 Purchases; 8.23 Stale Checks (new); 9.08 School Volunteers; 10.27 Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones); 10.30 Crowdfunding

Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Roberts, Mr. Stoner, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Schuster, Mr. Whitney-------5

                  Nay: None -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                            Motion adopted.  


1. Bond Rating Process/Bond Underwriting - Treasurer Jason Whitesel shared with the Board the bond rating process as the Board prepares for its future bond issuance for new facilities. Mr. Whitesel explained that the Disrict will present to one of the Bond Rating Agencies with the assistance of Rockmill Financial (Municipal Advisor), PNC Bank (Bond Underwriter) and Bricker and Eckler (Bond Council).  The Bond Rating Team will meet over the next six weeks or so to prepare for the presentation. The team will include Mr. Ziegelhofer, Mr. Whitesel, Mr. Secrist, BrianWhite, and one or two Board members. The importance of the rating was stressed as this determines the overall interest rate for the District bonds that will be sold to investors. The better the rating, the better the interest rate, which could result in a savngs of millions of dollars over the life of the bonds.


      18-19   Motion by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Stoner to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing and negotiations.

          Roll Call –  Yea:  Mr. Stoner, Mr. Schuster, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney ----- 5

Nay: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0

             Motion adopted.  

Time Entered –  8:17 p.m.

Returned to regular session –  8:33 p.m.


19-19 Motion by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Stoner to adjourn.                                                8:34 p.m.       

             Roll Call – Yea:   Mr. Schuster, Mr. Stoner, Dr. Gottschling, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Whitney----5

                               Nay: None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

          Motion adopted.

Certificate Section 5705.412, Ohio Revised Code

It is hereby certified that the Lexington Local School District Board of Education, Richland County, Ohio, has sufficient funds to meet the contract agreement, obligation, payment or expenditure for the above, and has in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year and succeeding fiscal year the authorization to levy taxes which, when combined with the estimated revenue from all other sources available to the district at the time of certification, are sufficient to provide operating revenues necessary to enable the district to operate an adequate educational program on all days set forth in its adopted school calendar for the current fiscal year and for a number of days in the succeeding fiscal year equal to the number of days instruction was or is scheduled for the current fiscal year.                                                                               



Superintendent ____________________________
