Regular Meeting
April 18, 2012
7:00 P.M.

The Lexington Board of Education met in regular session in the boardroom at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 18, 2012.  Mr. Robert whitney, President, called the meeting to order. Roll was called by the Treasurer.

Roll Call – Members present: Mr. Loren Blackstone, Mr. Jeff Heck, Mr. Keith Stoner, Mrs. Karen Wilson, Mr. Robert Whitney --------------5



Kaitlyn Swartzmiller, Student representative to the Board was playing in a softball game this evening

and was unable to attend the Board meeting.


Coach Melissa Watters introduced State swimming qualifiers.


Mr. Ziegelhofer recognized Board President Robert Whitney for 48 consecutive years

of service on the Lexington Board of Education.


Lexington High School senior Traci Willis spoke to the Board and presented results of a

drug-use survey of Lexington high school students.



26-12   Motion by Mr. Heck, seconded by Mrs. Wilson to approve the following financial items:

             1.   The minutes from the March meeting were approved.

             2.   The monthly financial report for March 2012 was presented.


Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Heck, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Whitney----5

                   Nay: None ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                   Motion adopted.




27-12   Motion by Mr. Blackstone, seconded by Mr. Stoner to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing and negotiations.


Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Heck, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Whitney------5

                   Nay: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                    Motion adopted.


                    Time entered: 7:37 p.m.

                    Returned to regular session: 8:31 p.m.




28-12   Motion by Mr. Stoner seconded by Mr. Heck, to approve the following personnel items:


Retirement: Accepted the retirement of Chris Gerberick, High School science teacher,  effective May 31, 2012.


Resignation: Accepted the resignation of the following personnel:

Allison Schuster           -           Junior High CACY co-advisor,

                                                   Junior High Student Council advisor


Employment: Approved the employment of the following personel:


Michelle Olecki            -            Supervisor of high school library, one year contract, BA + 20, step 12

                                       -           Academic Challenge co-advisor

                                       -           Mock Trial advisor


Salary Adjustment: Approved the following salary adjustments:

Tom Brownell              -           ME to ME + 10

Kelly Kapucinski         -           BS to BS + 10

Ryan Zahn                   -           MS to MS + 10


Maternity Leave: Approved Michelle Hock’s maternity leave request for the 2012-2013 school year from approximately October 8, 2012 through January 1, 2013.


Contract Change: Approved Dave Robert’s request to rescind his two-year,  twellve (12) month contract and issue a two-year, eleven (11) month contract consistent with all other building administrators.


Supplemental Non-Renewals (Attachment “A”): The individuals listed below are recommended for non-renewal until spring sports are completed and proper evaluation procedures have been followed:


Jeff Strickler               -           Baseball head coach

Kevin Morrow            -           JV baseball

John Watkins              -           Freshman baseball

Mike Hamman            -           Varsity softball

Ken Kreis                    -           JV softball

Ron Schaub                 -           Boys’ tennis

Dan Wittmer               -           Boys’ track head coach

Michelle Smith            -           Girls’ track head coach

Ralph Baker                -           Track assistant

Richard Dunn             -           Track assistant

Landon Huvler           -           Track assistant

Denise Benson             -           Track assistant

Austin Javurek            -           Jr. High track

Scott Hamilton            -           Jr. High track

Anne Petrie                 -           Jr. High track

Jay Schmidt                -           Jr. High track


Non-Teacher Non-Renewals (Attachment “B”): The following individuals hold supplemental contracts, but are not employees of the district. It is necessary to non-renew these positions for the 2012-2013 school year and to post these vacancies before considering re-issuing contracts:


April Kaufman            -           JV/Varsity cheerleading

Aaron Brokaw             -           Football varsity assistant

Blake Dickson              -           Football varsity assistant

Jordan Lucal                -           Freshmen football

Darrin Wilson              -           Freshmen football

Doug Basham               -           7th grade football

Peter Them                   -           JV boys’ soccer

Jay Porter                     -           Freshmen boys’ soccer

Phong Wynn                 -           Freshmen girls’ soccer

Ron Schaub                   -           Girls’ tennis

Sue Subich                     -           Freshmen volleyball

Jamie Feick                   -           Varsity boys’ basketball

Scott Hamilton              -           JV boys’ basketball

Daryl Uhde                    -           Varsity girls’ basketball

Robert Hassmann         -           8th grade girls’ basketball

Jay Schmidt                   -           7th grade girls’ basketball

Dave Watters                 -           Assistant dive coach

Brock Spurling              -           Assistant varsity swim coach/Jr. High coach

Brian Faust                    -           JV wrestling

Andrew Heath               -           Jr. High wrestling

Randy Heidlebaugh      -           Assistant marching band

Michelle Newmeyer       -           High School yearbook


Teaching/Extended Service Contracts (Attachment “C”): Approved teaching/extended contracts for 2012-2013 as listed:


                                                     Three Year Limited

                              Rebecca Bigley                       Ryan Knuckles

                              Stephen Domka                      Julie Lamp

                              Mike Hamman                        Megan McCammon

                              Michelle Hock                         Stephanie Saurers

                              Kelly Kapucinski

                                                     Two Year Limited

                              Tim Henderson                       Jessica Kunz


                                                      One Year Limited

                              Howard Hoffman                   Margaret Martin


                                                      Extended Service

                              Jennifer Cavalier         -           Guidance

                              Bill Ellsworth               -           Guidance

                              Kristen McPeek           -           Guidance

                              Brent Rastetter            -           Dean of Students

                              Bobbi Weaver              -           Guidance

                              Betsy Youse                  -           Guidance


Continuing Contracts (Attachment “D”): Approved the recommendation for the following continuing contracts:

                              Sarah Freundlich         -           Eastern

                              Suzy McBride             -           High School

                              Buck Morton               -           Jr. High

                              Kellie Ritchey             -           High School


Supplemental Activities (Attachment “E”): Approved the following supplemental activities for the 2012-2013 school year:

                                                   HIGH SCHOOL

                          Rebecca Bigley           -           Student Council advisor, Prom Co-advisor, Jr. Class advisor

                          Paul Dawson               -           H.S. Choir director

                          Emily Depew              -           Prom co-advisor

                          Stephen Domka          -           Co-ass’t. instrumental music director

                          Richard Dunn             -           Drama Club, Fall Play, Spring Play, CACY advisor

                          Sally Giefer                 -           National Honor Society

                          Ron Graham                -          Marching Band Director,  Instrumental Music director

                          Ryan Knuckles            -          LEOS Club advisor

                          Suzanne Kochheiser    -         Color Guard advisor

                          Steve Lifer                    -         Math Club advisor,  Chess Club advisor

                          Kristen McPeek          -           IAT co-chairperson

                          Tracy Montgomery     -           Newspaper co-advisor, Senior Class advisor                           

                          Rick Ruth                    -           Ass’t marching band director,  Co-ass’t. instrumental music director

                          Rebecca Sarbach         -           MFE coordinator

                          Sara Thorburn             -           High School Yearbook advisor

                          Becky Vargo               -           Academic Challenge co-advisor

                          John Watkins              -           Leadership Council advisor

                          Bobbi Weaver             -           IAT co-chairperson

                          Sue Weirich                 -           Newspaper co-advisor, Key Club advisor

                          OPEN                         -           Destination Imagination advisor        


                                                  JUNIOR HIGH

                          Jen Cavalier                 -           MFE chair,  CACY co-advisor

                          Peggy Cohen                -           Math Counts

                          Jen Dewald                  -           CACY co-advisor

                          Stephen Domka           -           Jr. High Orchestra

                          Diane Eifrid                -           Yearbook

                          Jeanna Godby             -           Student Council co-advisor

                          Emily Patterson           -           Power of Pen advisor

                          Tommie Roseberry      -           IAT chairperson, Spelling Bee

                          Brittany Siringer         -           Student Council co-advsior

                           OPEN                           -           Academic challenge


                                                     Bus Supervisors

                              Central                                    -           Tom Brownell (AM)  

                                                                               -           Edwina Finley (PM co-supervisor)

                                                                               -           Stephanie Blackstone (PM co-supervisor)

                              Western                                   -           Amy Stewart

                              Eastern                                    -           Mary Sue Davis (AM & PM)



                              Central                                    -           Tracey Heck        

                              Western                                   -           Amy Stewart       (co-chair)

                                                                               -           Bill Ellsworth       (co-chair)

                              Eastern                                    -           Marsha Haas         (co-chair)

                                                                               -           Jaime Chambers   (co-chair)


                                                   MFE   (ETR)

                              Central                                    -           Tracey Heck

                              Western                                   -           Sandra DeLuca

                              Eastern                                    -           Cheryl Longnecker


                                        District 504 Chairperson

                                                        Bill Ellsworth


                                    Title I Reading Coordinator



                                             Math Counts – Eastern

                                                     Jennifer Berry                                                                         




Non-Certified Contracts (Attachment “F”): Approved contracts for classified employees as listed:


                             Craig Clever                 -           1 year



                               Robin Boggs                -           3 year

                              Wendy Kleinknecht     -           2 year

                               Cecil Potter                  -           1 year

                               Justin Smith                 -           Continuing


Coaching Recommendation: Approved the following recommendations:


                               John Watkins               -           Reinstate as freshmen baseball coach, 2011-2012 school year

                               Pam Coones                  -           Varsity girls’ soccer, 2012-2013 school year


Resignation: Accepted the resignation of Jamie Feick, varsity boys’ basketball coach.                              


Summer Employees: Approved the employment of Jessika Volz & Jennifer Rhodes as summer employees to assist the Maintenance Department with the care and upkeep of our building and grounds and Brayson Ramirez and Nick Chirico to work with the Technology Department.

Tuition Student: Approved the following tuition student for the 2012-2013 school year:

                                    Andrew Iten     -           Continuing, grade 9


 Diplomas: Approved Holly Rice, as selected by the senior class, to pass out diplomas at graduation.


 Substitute List: Approved the Lexington substitute list & the complete substitute list dated 4/2/12 as presented by MOESC.


 Tutor List: Approved the revised tutor list submitted by MOESC.


Approved the recommendation to purchase one 78 passenger school bus from Cardinal Bus Sales to be put into operation for the 2012-2013 school year. The purchase price of the bus will be $86,969.00 which includes a $2,500.00 trade-in allowance. Monies for this purchase will be made out of FY 2013 PI funds.


Substitute Pay Schedule: Approved the substitute pay schedule as follows:

                           2012/2013 School Year Substitute Pay

Substitute Teacher                                $70.00 per day

Substitute Aide                                       Step 0 of Educational Aide Salary Schedule

Substitute Bus Driver                            Step 0 of Bus Driver’s Salary Schedule

Substitute Custodian                             Step 0 of Custodian Salary Schedule

Substitute Maintenance                        Step 0 of Maintenance Salary Schedule

Substitute Mechanic                              Step 0 of Mechanic Salary Schedule

Substitute Cafeteria worker                  $7.70/hour

Substitute Treasurer’s Office Clerk     Step 0 of Treasurer’s Clerk Salary Schedule

Power Reading Tutor                            $23.00/hour

Homebound/Intervention Tutor           $20.00/hour    

Bus Washer                                             $9.00/hour

Office Help- Bus Garage                        $7.70/hour (not to be included in over-time calculations for drivers/aides)

Class Coverage                                        $23.89/period

Summer Help                                          $9.00/hour      

Athletic Office Assistant                        $15.00/hour                


Committee Appointments: Approved the following committee appointments for 2012 - 2013:

       a. Athletic Board of Control (2)  Loren Blackstone / Karen Wilson

       b. Music Board of Control (2)   Jeff Heck / Keith Stoner

       c. In-Service Review Board (1) Keith Stoner

       d. Classified In-Service Review Board (1) Keith Stoner

       e. Technology Committee (1) Keith Stoner

       f.   County Tax Incentive Review Council (1) Jeff Heck



Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mr. Heck, Mr. Blackstone, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Whitney -------5


                    Nay: None --------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                    Motion adopted.




29-12   Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Blackstone to approve a one-year contract for Mark Olivieri, Maintenance Supervisor for the 2012-2013 school year.


            Roll Call – Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Whitney---------------------4

                                Nay: Mrs. Wilson ---------------------------------------------------------------------1

            Motion adopted.




30-12   Motion by Mrs. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Blackstone to approve the contract with Front & Center Turf to maintain the football, scorer and baseball fields. Cost is $9,500.00.


            Roll Call – Yea: Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Whitney-----------------4

            Nay: Mr. Heck -----------------------------------------------------------------------1

            Motion adopted.




            1. Five-year forecast –The Treasurer said the 5-year forecast will be presented to the Board for approval on May. There are still some adjustments and analysis that need made.

            2.   Property tax complaints – The Treasurer presented copies of property valuation complaints filed with the Richland County Auditor. Property owners are seeking a reduced assessed property valuation which, if granted by the Board of Revisions, will result in tax revenue losses to the school district. The Board of Education has 30 days in which to file a counter complaint if it so chooses.



 31-12   Motion by Mr. Stoner, seconded by Mr. Heck to ask Mr. Welsh to research commercial/industrial property tax complaints and file counter complaints per Mr. Welsh’s advice.


Roll Call: Yea: Mr. Stoner, Mr. Heck, Mr. Blackstone, Mrs. Wilson, Mr.Whitney-------5

                             Nay: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

            Motion adopted.




32-12   Motion by Mrs. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Stoner to adjourn.              9:05 p.m.


            Roll Call – Yea: Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Stoner, Mr. Blackstone, Mr. Heck, Mr. Whitney------5


                              Nay: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------0

                               Motion adopted.  

















