Regular Meeting
Monday, August 9, 2010
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.
2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and
present any communications.
Financial Items:
3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the June Regular meeting and
July Work Session.
4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for June & July 2010.
Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 3 - 4.
Personnel Items:
5. Resignation: Approve the resignation of Eileen Thrash, Art teacher, Western Elementary, effective
end of 2009-2010 contract year.
6. Employment: Approve the employment of:
Austin Javurek - Western Elementary, Art, 2010-2011 school
year, one year contract, step 1
Deb Ray - Teach summer school, August 3 - 20, 2010,
with a stipend of $1,200.00
Jo Ann Maxey - Summer school substitute
Patty Hayes - Summer school substitute
Howard Hoffman - Teaching classes during conference period entire
2010-2011 school year
Randy Heidlebaugh - Assistant marching band director, 30+ years
Tracy McQuillen - Long term sub, Jr. High, from approximately
September 18, 2011 thru December 31, 2010,
$100.00 per day
7. Salary Adjustment: Approve the salary adjustment of:
Linda Collins - MS + 10 to MS + 20
Shelly Knapp - MA to MA + 10
Dan Studer - BS to BS + 10
8. Resignation: Approve the resignation of:
Kim Olivieri - Summer school August 3 – 20, 2010
Dee Smith - High School educational aide, effective 8-25-10
Motion by _________________, seconded by_________________, to approve personnel item 5 – 8.
Other Business:
9. Tuition Student: Accept the following tuition students for the 2010-2011 school year:
Jacob Cadle - Continuing, Central Elementary, grade 3
Aidan Schumer - Continuing, Central Elementary, grade 3
Katie Them - Continuing, High School, grade 10
Alexandria Ballinger - Continuing, High School, grade 10t
Harshil Patel - Continuing, High School, grade 12
Zoe Murphy - Continuing, High School, grade 11
Aidan Ford - New, High School, 9th grade, per negotiated
agreement following teaching parent
10. Rescind Contract: Approve the request from John Harris to rescind the contract of Marlon
Gooslby, freshman football coach (he was approved May 17, 2010).
11. Coaching Contracts: Recommend the following coaches at the following positions for the
2010–2011 sports seasons pending successful completion of all pre-employment requirements:
Gary Hinton - Varsity assistant football
Cheryl Longnecker - Girls’ JV golf (pending adequate numbers)
Steve Haverdill - Freshmen football (pending adequate numbers)
Kayla Faudree - 7th grade volleyball
12. Approve entering into a contract with RC Therapy Services Inc. for the 2010-2011 school year to
provide physical therapy services to those students needing said services at a cost of $65.00 per
hour. This will not only include individual therapy sessions but will also include consult in IEP
meetings writing their portion of the IEP and performing PT evaluations as needed.
13. Recommend that the Treasurer’s Office be given the authority to pay for the certification costs for
those staff members requesting and receiving authorization for transporting students in our board
owned suburbans. This would not include reimbursement for BCI/FBI record checks. This applies
to non-transportation contracted employees only.
14. Appointment of OSBA DELEGATE and ALTERNATE to OSBA Capital Conference
November 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Motion by __________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve item 9-14.
Discussion: NextGen Energy.
15. Adjournment: Motion by ___________________, seconded by _______________________, to