Regular Meeting
Monday, September 20, 2010
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.
2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and
present any communications.
Abby Kuhn, Student representative to the Board will present her report.
Financial Items:
3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the August regular meeting.
- Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for August 2010.
5. Treasurer requests approval of Final Appropriations for FY 2010-2011. All appropriations are set
at FUND level.
6. Approve agreement with American Fidelity Assurance Company to provide our Section 125
services as well as offering Unreimbursed Medical, Dependent Care and other supplemental
products at employees discretion. We had been working with AFLAC for these services prior to
this year, but American Fidelity offers expanded opportunities, will administer our Unreimbursed
Medical and provide debit cards for URM at no cost to the district.
Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 3 - 6.
7. Executive Session: Motion by ____________________, seconded by __________________,
to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel and negotiations.
The Board entered into executive session at _________.
The Board returned to open session at ___________.
Personnel Items:
8. Salary Adjustment: Approve the following salary adjustments:
Suzanne Hall - BA to BA + 10
Mary Ann Hallabrin - BA + 20 to ME
Susan Young - MA + 10 to MA + 20
9. Resignation: Approve the resignation of the following for the 2010-2011 school year:
Matt Roggio - High School H.E.A.R.T. advisor
10. Employment: Approve the employment of the following for the 2010-2011 school year:
Josh Hirschman - Special Ed., High School, 1 year contract,
step 2
Kristen Kerwin - Long term sub, Eastern Elementary, August 26-
December 17, 2010, $100.00 per day
Rebecca Bigley - Junior class advisor
Sharon Starr - Academic Challenge Team Advisor/Coach
Jaime Chambers - Co-IAT chair, Eastern Elementary
Page 2
Ken Kreis - Jr. High Athletic Director, per enclosed MOU
with LTA – conference period (50%)
Anne Petrie - High School Destination Imagination advisor
Chris Gerberick - High School FTA advisor
- Employment: Approve the employment of the following:
Steve Arnold - Maintenance sub, effective 8/16/10
Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve personnel items 8 - 11.
Other Business:
- Coaching Contracts: Approve the following coaching recommendations:
John Watkins - Elementary football
13. Miss Lexington Pageant: Approval to waive the charge for the use of the High School
Auditorium for the Miss Lexington Pageant scheduled for April 30, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.
14. In Lieu of Transportation: Approve payment for “In Lieu of Transportation” for Lexington
students attending Discovery School and Kingsway Christian for the 2010-2011 school year.
15. Tuition Student: Approve the following tuition student for the 2010-2011 school year:
Sloan Taylor - Junior High, 7th grade
16. Substitute List: Approve the Lexington substitute lists & the complete substitute lists` as presented
- Release Time Request: Recommend the Board deny the request to establish a Release Time Bible
- Approve contract with Clear Fork Local Schools to transport student to Ohio School for the Deaf at
a cost of $100.00 per day.
Motion by __________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve item 12-18.
19. Adjournment: Motion by ________________, seconded by _________________, to adjourn.