Regular Meeting

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

7:00 p.m.


1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.

2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications.

Scott Curtis – Central and Western’s Building Report

Julie Borchers – Special Education Report

Financial Items:

3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the May regular meeting.

4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for May 2024.

5. Approve temporary appropriations for Fiscal Year 2025 at the fund level set at 50% of Fiscal Year 2024 final appropriations.

6. Recommendation to renew property, fleet, and liability insurance with the Ohio School Plan for the period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, cost $95,107.

7. Recommendation to approve cyber insurance coverage with Lloyd’s Cyber for the period July 1, 2024 to June, 2025, cost $7,405.

8. Approve NEOnet invoices in the amount of $13,700 for EMIS Shared Services Agreement and $4,178.10 for FY24 Special Services Software.

9. Approve the following appropriation modifications for FY24:

001 General Fund $2,000,000.00

003 Permanent Improvement $22,032.02

006 Food Service $85,000.00

022 OHSAA Tournament $200.00

018 Public School Support $22,678.18

019 Local Grants $1,084.00

200 Student Activities $8,581.50

300 District Managed Activities $36,500.00

451 Network Connectivity $987.65

499 State Grants $10,084.58

507-9024 ARP Homeless $16,295.00

516 IDEA-B ($905.86)

572 Title I $11,340.79

584 Title IV ($7,182.05)

590 Title II-A $10,536.23

Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 3 – 9.

Personnel Items:


10. Resignation: Accept the following resignations effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year:

Dan Wittmer - High School Science

Chris Kmetz - High School Title I

Sara Thorburn - High School English

Emily Patterson - High School English

11. Maternity Leave: Approve Samantha Keaney’s request for maternity leave from August 19 – September 9, 2024.

12. Employment: Approve the following:

Ali Webb - Long-term sub, High School Intervention Specialist from the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year until approximately September 9, 2024

Lexus Lang - Intervention Specialist, Western, effective August 15, 2024, one-year contract

Julia Hartage - Intervention Specialist, Western, effective August 15, 2024, one-year contract

Mattie Boyd - Spanish teacher, High School, effective August 15, 2024, one-year contract

Amy Studer - Kindergarten, Western, effective August 15, 2024, one-year contract

Grayson Murray - High School English, effective August 15, 2024, one-year contract

Approve the following for working STEAM camp, July 29 – August 9, 2024, ($1,200 total for both weeks):

Gretchen Winner

Jaime Chambers

Ashley Smith

Jessica Duffey

Amanda Jones

Sarah Beck

Liberty Baker-Seebach

Christine Elder

Michelle Rastetter

Laura Pfeiffer

Heather Noland

Lydia Severns

Katelynn Reis

Lindsay Musille

Cara Pelphrey

Christy Anthony

Erika Bauer

Bruce Dewey

Greta Gadfield

Kevin Richer

Jessica Reasor

Mark Hoover

Julie Lamp

Mary Haas

Cheryl Young

Amy Richwine

Karie Whitaker

Mike Schwechheimer

Stephanie Blackstone

Rhonda Tittle

Rachel Smith

Cassidy Dillon

Sandy LaLiberte

Jennifer Hooper

Janie Zeger

Joy Bowman

Lindsay Them

Melanie Walker

Annette Rush

Bethany Sharrock

Ellissa Anderson

Marsha Haas

Christina Mueller

Shannon Nicol

Approve the following staff for Extended School Year summer hours, $25.00 per hour:

Cailyn Kennedy

Sarah Beck

Sonja Clever

Jaime Chambers

Nancy Schurig

Noelle Dudgeon

Jennifer Morris

Nikole Ringer

Sarah (Allison) Brown

Jennifer Verspoor

Lydia Severns

Bruce Dewey

13. Salary Adjustments: Approve the salary adjustments for:

Constance Jamieson - MA + 20 to MA + 30

Denise Benson - MS + 30 to MS + 40


14. Resignations: Accept the following resignations:

Scott Potter - Maintenance tech, effective July 31, 2024

Brett Wirick - Transportation, bus aide, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year

15. Employment: Approve the employment of the following for the 2024-2025 school year:

Scott Potter - Building and Grounds Supervisor, effective August 1, 2024

Mike Traxler - 4-hour bus driver, effective August 15, 2024, one-year contract

Norman Nichols - Bus driver sub pending successful completion of all pre-employment requirements

Scott Hamilton - Transportation, 2-hour van driver, Monday-Thursday, effective August 15, 2024, one-year contract

Elissa Anderson - Educational aide, Eastern, effective August 15, 2024, one-year contract

Linda Volz - Board Office secretary, one-year contract (retire/rehire)

Other Business:

16. Coaching Recommendations: Approve the following coaches for the 2024-2025 fall season:

Gavin George - JV boys’ soccer

Matti Boyd - Volunteer assistant boys’ & girls’ cross country

17. Administrator’s Contracts: Approve the recommendation for the following administrators for 3-year contracts:

Stacy Davis

John Watkins

Taylor Gerhardt

Johneen Gordon

Michael Grist

Ray Cunningham

Andrew Saris

18. Substitute Teacher Resolution: Approve resolution establishing educational requirements for substitute teachers for the 2024-2025 school year and each year thereafter.

19. Substitute Pay Schedule: Recommend to approve the 2024-2025 substitute pay schedule per the enclosure.

20. Administrator/Supervisor/Non-Union Salary Schedules: Recommend to approve the 2024-2025 Administrator/Supervisor/Non-Union Salary Schedules per the enclosure.

21. Allerton Hill: Approve the contract with Allerton Hill Consulting Services, effective July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.

22. MOESC Contracts: Approve the FY ’24 845 contract with MOESC.

23. Building Handbooks: Approve the district building handbooks for the 2024-2025 school year.

Motion by __________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve items 10-23.


1. Retire/Rehire for Suzy McBride, High School Special Education teacher

24. Executive Session: Motion by ____________________, seconded by ________________, to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, and employment of a public employee or official, preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment; The Board entered into executive session at _________.

The Board returned to open session at ___________.

25. Adjournment: Motion by ________________, seconded by _________________, to adjourn.