Special Meeting

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

7:00 p.m.


1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.

2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications

3. Personnel Items:


Resignations: Accept the following staff resignations, effective at the end of the 2020-2021 school year:

Kayla Heimann - Eastern, 5th grade

Michelle Lazar - Eastern, Intervention Specialist

Ashton Cannon - Eastern, 6th grade

Paul Gladden  - Intervention Specialist for the 2021-2022 school year

Resolution: Recommend that the Board adopt the enclosed resolution regarding the elimination of an Assistant Technology Director position and a reduction in force due to the reorganization of the District's administrative staff.

Employment: Approve the employment of the following:

Ashley Rebillot  - High School Assistant Principal, two-year contract, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years, effective August 1, 2021

Matthew Millinger - Elementary principal, two-year contract, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years, effective August 1, 2021

Kara Wysong - Western, 3rd grade, effective, August 13, 2021, one year contract, step 10

Sally Giefer - Instruct ACT boot camp (June 9 & 10, July 14 & 15), ($600 per session/$1,200 total)

Allison DeGreen - Instruct ACT boot camp ($300 per session/$600 total)

Ryan Bastian - Instruct ACT boot camp ($300 per session/$600 total)

Reanna Sutherland - Eastern, 5th grade, effective August 13, 2021, one year contract, step 0

Lydia Smith - Eastern, Intervention Specialist, effective August 13, 2021, one year contract, step 0

Classified :

Employment: Approve the employment of Karie Whitaker as Western, pre-school aide, effective Aguust 16, 2021, one-year contract.

Other Business:

Transportaton Summer Help: Approve Malcolm Young for summer help in the Transportation Department from approximately June 1 - July 23, 2021.

Motion by ______________________, seconded by __________________, to approve item 3.

4 Adjournment: Motion by ___________________, seconded by ___________________, to adjourn.