Regular Meeting
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.
2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications.
Rhiannon Miller, Student representative to the Board, will present her report.
Financial Items:
3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the January organizational, regular and special meetings minutes.
4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for January 2019.
5. Approve the following appropriation modifications:
Title I Fund 572 9019 - $452.72 decrease
Title IV-A Fund 599 9019 - $9.43 decrease
Motion by ______________, seconded by ___________________, to approve items 3-5.
Personnel Items:
6. Retirement: Accept the retirement of Kelly Holder, High School, effective at the end of the 2018-2019 school year
7. Resignation: Accept Jen Law's resignation of Junior High ETR chairperson for 2019-2020 school year.
8. Employment: Approve the employment of the following:
Linda Gooden - Long-term sub, Western Elementary, approximately February 21st through April 18th, $110 per day
Academic mentors, effective approximately February 14 - approximately May 2, $20.00 per hour:
Jennifer Hooper - Lindsey Brokaw
Katie Guy - Abbie Goodman
Julie Detlef - Christy Anthony
Marsha Haas - Trisha Hughes
Amy Gerhardt - Cindy Shasky
Amy North
9. Resignation: Accept the resignation of:
Diane Arnold - High school educational aide, effective June 5, 2019
Ashley Whiting - Transportation, effective February 12, 2019
10. Employment: Approve the employment of:
Molly Arnett - Substitute educational aide, effectiveFebruary 6, 2019
Janice Knox - Substitute Food Service, effective February 7, 2019
Ashley Whiting - Substitute Transportation
Other Business:
11. Coaching Resignation: Accept the reesignation of Staci Hankins, JV softball coach
12. Coaching Recommendation: Approve the following coaching recommendations:
Ryan Ball - Assistant football coach
Christen Mattia - JV Softball
13. Tuition Student: Approve the following tuition students for the 2019-2020 school year:
Maya Alonso - Grade 12, tuition will be waived per Board policy regarding parent moving out of the district for senior year
Robbie Tommelleo - New, grade 6, tuition waived per Board policy following working parent
Genna Tommelleo - New, grade 4, tuition waived per Board policy following working parent
14. Substitute Nurse: Approve the employment of a substitute nurse, Jennifer McCoy, effective February 12, 2019.
15. High School Physical Education Waiver: Approve the recommendation to adopt the enclosed Board Policy, 7.33, addition, high school physical education waiver. This policy meets the requirements of O.R.C. 3313.603 (L).
16. Bus Bids: Authorize the Treasurer to advertise for bids (if required) for two (2) 9 passenger buses, one (1) Maintenance truck with lift and tool boxes and one (1) gas conventional special education bus.
17. Rockmill Financial: Recommend approval of the enclosed agreement with Rockmill Financial as Municipal Advisor for the District's school facilities bond issue.
18. Substitute List: Recommend approval of the revised Lexington substitute list dated 01/15/19 as presented by MOESC.
19. Front and Center Turf: Recommend the Board approve the enclosed proposal from Front & Center Turf to maintain high school football and soccer fields.
Motion by _________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve items 6-19.
20. Adjournment: Motion by ___________________, seconded by ___________________, to adjourn.