Regular Meeting

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

7:00 p.m.


1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.

2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications.

Anne Olecki, Student representative to the Board will present her report.

Financial Items:

  3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the February minutes.

  4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for February 2017.

  5.  Recommend approval of "Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the necessary Tax Levies and Certifying Them to the County Auditor".

  6.  Accept donation in the amount of $750 from VFW Post 5101 to Central Elementary for elementary school supplies.

  7.  Accept donation from the Lexington PTO in the amount of $200 each for Central, Eastern, and Western Elementary for Right to Read Week.

 Motion by ______________, seconded by ___________________, to approve items 3-7.

Personnel Items:


8. Resignation:  Accept the resignation of the following personnel effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year:

Joel Morrow - High School English, effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year

Margaret Martin - Kindergarten, Western, effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year

9. Maternity:  Approve a maternity leave request for Jessica Duffey, Eastern, from approximately September 4, 2017 through approximately mid-October.

10. Leave of Absence: Approve a leave of absence request for the 2017-2018 school year for Christina Rose, 2nd grade, Western.

11. Employment: Approve Kelli Dyer as Western PE teacher for the 2017-2018 school year, one year contract, pending successful completion of all pre-employment requirements

12. Salary Adjustments:  Approve the salary adjustments for:

Crystal Kell - BS +10 to BS +20

Constance Jamieson - MA +10 to MA +20


13. Retirement - Accept the retirement of Jimmie Norfleet, Transportation, effective June 1, 2017

14. Employment:  Approve the employment of the following:

Lora Hamilton - Transportation, sub driver, pending completion of CDL requirements, effective 03/13/2017

Ashley Whiting - Transportation, sub driver, pending completion of CDL requirements, effective 03/13/2017

Jimmie Norfleet - Transportation sub, effective 2017-2018 school year

Amy Cleland - Eastern, AM bus duty, effective October 31, 2016

Valerie Hunter- Eastern, PM bus duty, effective October 31, 2016 - January 20, 2017

Rhonda Tittle- Eastern, PM bus duty, effective October 31, 2016

Other Business:    

         15.  Coaching Recommendations:  Approve Phil Leineweber as high school/junior high track coach volunteer

16.  Athletic Program Coordinator:  Approve Jay Schmidt as the Athletic Department Program Coordinator for the 2016-2017 school year

17. Tuition Students:  Approve the following tuition students for the 2017-2018 school year:

David Haring - Continuing, grade 12

Sylvia Goldsmith - Continuing, grade 11

18. School Calendar:  Approve the school calendar for 2017-2018 as enclosed

19. Ohio School Facilities:  Approve the adoption of the enclosed Ohio School Facilities resolution to enter into the active planning process to participation in the Classroom Facilities Assistance Program

20. Recommend the purchase of up to two (2) 78 passenger school buses from Cardinal Bus Sales. One at a cost of $91, 618 (bus 5 trade) and one at $93,418 (no trade in) for a total of $185,036 (which includes extra warranties)

          Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 8-20.


1.    The Village of Lexington proposed income tax sharing agreement.

  21. Executive Session:  Motion by ____________, seconded by ____________, to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing and negotiations.

  The Board entered into executive session at _______.

  The Board returned to open session at _______.

     22.  Adjournment: Motion by ___________________, seconded by ___________________, to adjourn.