Regular Meeting
Thursday, August 24, 2016
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.
2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications.
Marsha Devito - Professional Day & Career Trees
Financial Items:
3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the June 29th regular meeting and August 11th special meeting.
4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for June and July 2016.
5. Accept a donation of $500 from the Ohio Art Education Foundation as reimbursement for a portion of supplies as part of the Artist Inspired Fused Glass Installation grant.
6. Accept a donation of $5,000 from Quest Wealth Solutions and $2,500 from Chanley Christman, totally $7,500, representing the remaining pledged amount for athletic field house upgrades.
7. Accept donation of $300 from VFW Post 5101 for elementary school supplies
8. Approve payment of $3,377.85 to Rogue Fitness for new weight room equipment.
Motion by ______________, seconded by ___________________, to approve items 3-8.
Personnel Items:
9. Personnel: Approve the following personnel:
Jordan Eichorn - Long term sub, Western, $100.00 per day, effective August 19
Heiden Eichorn - ESL mentor
Tina Parr - ESL mentor
Diane Eifrid - Senior class advisor for 2016-2017 school year
Administering and scoring the DRA tests for 2016-2017 school year at the substitute teacher pay rate:
Claudia Ruihley Heiden Eichorn
Barb Durchik Jody Rutschilling
Michelle Lillo
10. Salary Adjustment: Approve the following salary adjustments:
Pat Cannon - ME to ME +10
Diane Eifrid - ME +10 to ME +20
Mark Hoover - ME +10 to ME +20
Other Business:
11. Coaching Resignation: Approve the resignation of the following coaches:
Lauren Pahl - Jr. High cheerleading advisor
Michael Grist - JV boys' basketball
12. Coaching Recommendations: Approve the coaching recommendations for the 2016-2017 school year:
Jennifer Moore - JV Volleyball (1/2)
Katie Wagner - JV Volleyball (1/2)
Mike Schwechheimer - JV boys' golf
Michelle Smith - 8th grade volleyball
Tim Raney - 7th grade volleyball (1/2)
Genie Raney - 7th grade volleyball (1/2)
Phil Leineweber - Assistant junior high cross-country
Alicia Bailey - Junior High cheerleading
Hope Jordan - Volunteer - Junior High cross country
13. Substitute Lists: Recommend approval of the revised Lexington substitute listsdated 7/13/16 and 8/18/16 as presented by MOESC.
14. Recommend the adoption of the enclosed resolution to request a waiver to not be required to provide careet technical programs for grades 7 and 8.
15. Recommend the adoption of the enclosed Board of Education Policy revisions/new policies per Ohio Revised Code (Policies 4.06 Evaluation of Schoool Counselors, 8.10 Uniform Federal Grant Guidance, 10.28 Eligibility for Free or Reduced Priced Meals or Free Milk, 10.20 Child Find, 3.06 Staff Conduct, 5.03 Support Staff Hours and Overtime (non-union), 6.12 Student Dismissal Precautions, 6.16 Graduation/Diploma Requirements, 9.07 Community Use of School Facilities, 10.01 Personal Information Systems, 10.06 Employee and Student Title IX Grievance Procedure, 10.07 Student Complaints of Sexual Harrassment & 10.08 Employee Complaints of Sexual Harrassment.
Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 8-15..
1. Rockmill Financial
16. Executive Session: Motion by ____________________, seconded by ________________, to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing and negotiations.
The Board entered into executive session at _________.
The Board returned to open session at ___________.
17. Adjournment: Motion by ___________________, seconded by ___________________, to adjourn.