Regular Meeting
Thursday, August 21, 2013
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.
2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications.
Financial Items:
3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the June regular meeting and July special meeting.
4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for June & July 2013.
5. Accept a donation of $1,000.00 from Therm-O-Disc, Inc. and the Emerson Charitable Trust.
6. Approve repayment of advance of $6,948.00 from 599 9013 National School Lunch Expansion Grant Fund to 001 0000 General Fund.
7. Approve enrollment in the Ohio School Comp Workers’ Compensation Group Rating Program for calendar year 2014; annual fee $3,910.
8. Approve contract with Healthcare Billing Services, Inc. for billing under the Ohio Medicaid School Program, effective August 26, 2013.
Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 3- 8.
Personnel Items:
9. Resignation: Accept the resignation of Ray Hoskins, High School History, effective end of 2012-2013 school year.
10. Salary Adjustment: Approve the salary adjustment:
Anne Mutti - ME + 10 to ME + 20
Melissa Haassmann - ME + 20 to ME + 30
Gary Hinton - BA + 10 to MA
Ryan Knuckles - BS + 20 to ME
11. Maternity Leave: Approve maternity leave for Valerie Fraizer, Junior High Art, from approximately September 23, 2013 through November 18, 2013.
12. Employment: Approve the employment of:
Linda Gooden - Long-term sub for a maternity leave, Central Elementary from August 27, 2013 through approximately October 11, 2013, $100.00 per day
Tyson Porter - OGT tutor, September 30 – October 25, 2013
Classified: 1
3. Resignations: Accept the resignation of:
Cheryl Callahan - Food Service, two-hour general help, effective end of 2012-13 school year
Laura Carter - Food Service, two-hour general help, effective end of 2012-2013 school year
14. Employment: Approve the employment of:
Lora Hamilton - Food Service, two-hour general help at Central Elementary, one year contract, effective August 27, 2013
Jim Rhea - Substitute bus driver, effective September 1, 2013
Brenda Welch - Transportation, bus driver, one year contract, effective August 27, 2013
15. Coaching Recommendation: Approve the following coaching recommendations for 2013-14:
Brock Spurling - Varsity swim
Whitney Farrar - Assistant swim
Andrew Heath - Junior High wrestling
Paul Conry - Junior High football – 7th grade
Dave Kaple - Junior High football – 8th grade
Nancy Shramko - JV girls’ soccer
Brian Faust - JV wrestling
John Harris - Athletic Department volunteer
Sara Jones - Junior High cross country volunteer
Brian Bowman - Junior High wrestling volunteer
Dave Smith - Varsity wrestling volunteer
Nick Confalone - Varsity wrestling volunteer
Ryan Oliver - Varsity football volunteer
Taylor Gerhardt - Varsity football volunteer
Jay Porter - Freshmen boys’ soccer
16. Tuition Students: Approve the following tuition student for the 2013-2014 school year:
Reece Miller - New, Eastern Elementary, grade 5, per contract following parent employed by school district
Kenley Miller - New, Western Elementary, grade 3, per Board policy following parent employed by school district
Rayma Miller - New, Western Elementary, kindergarten, per Board policy following parent employed by school district
Haley Potter - New, Eastern Elementary, grade 6, per Board policy following parent employed by school district
Gage Potter - New, Eastern Elementary, grade 4, per Board policy following parent employed by school district
Kayla Sherman - Continuing, High School, per Board policy, following parent employed by school district
Darian Delbrugge - Continuing, Central Elementary, grade 4
Trevor Bowman - New, Junior High, Grade 7
Laken Vance - 12th grade, waiver of tuition for senior year per Board policy
17. Miss Lexington Pageant: Approval to waive the charge for the use of the High School Auditorium for the Miss Lexington Pageant scheduled for May 10, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
18. Approve the enclosed resolution to continue the shared Treasurer agreement with Crestview Local Schools. The sharing of the Treasurer enables the district to save $35,000 per year.
19. Approve the enclosed contract with NCOCC for FY 2014.
20. Approve the enclosed contract with MOESC for FY 2014.
21. Approve the contract with Clear Fork Local Schools for the 2013-2014 school year to transport a student to the Ohio School for the Deaf at a cost of $100.00 per day.
22. Nursing Services: Approve the nursing services of Lauren Groves, Penny Hayes as full-time LPN’s and Melissa Burrows, substitute nurse as needed at the hourly rate on their contract effective 8/28/13.
Motion by __________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve items 9-22.
Discussion Items:
1. Mid-Ohio ESC preschool invoice for 2012-13
2. OSBA Capital Conference Delegate and Alternate
23. Adjournment: Motion by ________________, seconded by ___________ to adjourn.