Regular Meeting
Thursday, June 27, 2013
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.
2. Communications/Visitors: The President will recognize any visitors to the meeting and present any communications.
Financial Items:
3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the May regular meeting
4. Financial: The Treasurer will present the monthly financial report for May 2013
5. Approve final appropriations for Fiscal Year 2013.
6. Approve temporary appropriations for Fiscal year 2014 set at 25% of FY13 actual expenditures.
7. Approve to pay $101,367.31 invoice to Mid-Ohio ESC for preschool costs (portion of total cost of $159,167.31).
8. Approve $32,000 advance from 001 0000 General Fund to 006 0000 Food Service Fund to alleviate
deficit fund balance.
9. Approve $6,948.00 advance from 001 000 General Fund to 599 9013 National School Lunch Expansion Grant Fund.
Motion by __________________, seconded by_________________, to approve items 3- 9.
Personnel Items:
10. Salary Adjustment: Approve the salary adjustment:
Ryan Knuckles - BS + 10 to BS + 20
Rachel Smith - ME + 10 to ME + 20
Allison Schuster - ME to ME + 10
11. Resignation: Accept the resignation of:
Kelly Kapucinski - 6th grade, Eastern Elementary, effective end
of 2012-2013 school year
Melisa Watters - 3rd grade teacher, Western Elementary, &
head swim coach, effective immediately
12. Employment: Approve the employment of the following for the 2013-2014 school year:
Michelle Newmeyer - High School yearbook advisor
Lindsey Grove - Long-term sub, Central Elementary for
Michelle Shaffer, from approximately August
27, 2013 thru October 2, 2013, $100.00 per day
Michael Schwechheimer- Grade 4, Central Elementary, one year contract
step 0, effective August 27, 2013
Valerie Fraizer - Junior High, Art, one year contract, step 0,
effective August 27, 2013
Kristen Jones - Intervention Specialist, Eastern Elementary, one year
contract, step 5, effective August 27, 2013
Janelle Wyant - Grade 6, Eastern Elementary, one year contract,
step 6, effective August 27, 2013
Summer school teachers July 29 – August 15, 2013, with a stipend of $1,200.00:
Missy Betscher April Ford
Amy Richwine Edwina Finley
Annette Rush Amy Stewart
Stephanie Saurers Michelle Smith
Chris Berger Cheryl Longnecker
Lynn Waterer Kayla Heimann
Ashley Vellucci Alisha Olivieri
Michael Schwechheimer
Deb Ray - Summer school computer lab
Joann Maxey - Summer school substitute
Carla Jones - Summer school substitute
Bri Sherer - Summer school substitute
Lindsey Them - Summer school substitute
Kathy Weidig - Summer school director
Diane Schmidt - Summer tutor, Ohio School for the Deaf student,
$20.00 per hour, 2.5 hours per week, for a total
40 – 50 hours
13. Resident Educators: Approve the payment of $350.00 to the following teachers for mentoring
new teachers during the 2012- 2013 school year:
Sally Giefer - mentored Whitney Farrar
Kellie Ritchey - mentored Jessica Kunz
Amy Ferguson - mentored David Hines
Jen Dewald - mentored Marissa Lunt
Steve Domka - mentored Molly Morton
Mary Haas – mentored Ashley Roberts
Rachel Smith – mentored Lindsey Grove
Crystal Kell – mentored Christina Rose
14. Continuing Contract: Approve the recommendation for a continuing contract for April Ford,
grade 4, Eastern Elementary
15. Retirement: Accept the retirement of Susan Coyle, educational aide, Western Elementary, effective end of 2012-2013 school year
16. Resignations: Accept the resignation of:
Pam Hertzler - Educational Aide, Junior High, effective
at the start of her new position
17. Employment: Approve the employment of:
Pam Hertzler - Secretary, Junior High Guidance, 10 months, effective August 14, 2013, one year contract
Sheridan Hanson - Color Guard advisor for the 2013-2014 school year, step 0
18. Coaching Resignations: Accept the resignation of the following coaches:
Roxanne Drueschler - Co-Varsity/JV girls’ soccer
Pam Coones - Co-Varsity/JV girls’ soccer
Dan Wittmer - Head boys’ track
Jeff Strickler - Varsity baseball
19. Coaching Recommendation: Approve the following coaching recommendation:
Roxanne Drueschler - Varsity girls’ soccer
Scott Potter - JV boys’ soccer
Austin Javurek - JV boys’ cross country
Andrew Heath - Jr. High football
Mike Hamman - Jr. High football
Kevin Morrow - Head varsity basebal
20. Tuition Students: Approve the following tuition student for the 2013-2014 school year:
Samuel Taylor - New, grade 8
21. Handbooks: Approve student handbooks for High School, Jr. High, Eastern, Central and
Western Elementary for the 2013-2014 school year.
22. Recommend the renewal of the enclosed contract with MOESC for the 2013-2014 school year
23. Recommend approval of the enclosed resolution with Bricker & Eckler LLP.
24. Recommend approval of the enclosed Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES)
25. Recommend approval of the enclosed updated Board policies
Motion by __________________, seconded by _____________________, to approve items 10-25.
26. Executive Session: Motion by ____________________, seconded by ________________,
to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline,
promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of
charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless
the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing and
The Board entered into executive session at _________.
The Board returned to open session at ___________.
27. Adjournment: Motion by ________________, seconded by ___________ to adjourn.