Regular Meeting
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order: The President will call the meeting to order.
2. Communication/Visitors: The President will recongize any visitors tothe meeting and present any communications.
Financial Items:
3. Minutes: The President will call for additions or corrections to the June regular meeting and July special meeting.
4. Financial: The Treasure will present the monthly financial report for June, July 2012.
5. Accept the following grants from the Richland County Foundation:
a. "Science is Electrifying" - $1, 000 to Central Elementary (Edwina Finley)
b. "Electrified Science" - $996.00 to Eastern Elementary (Deb Lantz)
c. "Kinecting" the Brain and Body" - $580.00 to Eastern Elementary (Jaime Chambers)
d. Playground Equipment for students with special needs - $25, 308.00 (Michelle Rastetter)
6. Accept a $10, 000 donation from Newman Technologies
7. Recommend enrollment in Ohio School Comp Worker's Compensation Group Rating Program for calendar year 2013: annual fee $4,700.
Motion by ____________________, seconded by _____________ to approve items 3-7.
Personnel Items:
8. Resignation: Approve the resignation of Teresa Weaver, 4th grade, Eastern Elementary, effective end of 2011-12 school year.
9. Employment: Approve the recommendation for the following personnel:
Emily Donahue - Extended service - Librarian
Randy Heidlebaugh - Volunteer assistant marching band director
Molly Morton - Assistant marching band director
Colleen Bundy - Color Guard Advisor
Brittany Souder - Long-term sub for Melisa Watters, Western Elementary, 3rd grade, August 27, 2012 - January 18, 2013, $100.00 per day
Allison Parsons - Key Club advisor
Brent Rastetter - Jr. High Athletic Director
Carla Pasheilich - Intervention Specialist, Western Elementary, effective August 27, 2012, one year contract, step 2
Sara Thorburn - Academic Challenge co-advisor, 2012-13, correction from April 18, 2012, Attachment E
Lindsey Grove - Long-term sub for Julie Lamp, Central Elementary for 2012-13 school year, $100.00 per day
Laura Pike - Long-term sub for Jessica Bright, Central Elementary, from approximately November 5, 2012 to January 1, 2013, $100.00 per day
Linda Gooden - Long-term sub for Michele Hock, Central Elementary, from approximately October 8, 2012 to January 1, 2013, $100.00 per day
Chris Gerberick - Long-term sub for Roxanne Drueschler, High School, from approximately August 27, 2012 through approximately January 18, 2013, $100.00 per day
10. Salary Adjustment: Approve the salary adjustment for:
Kayla Heimann - Bs to BS + 10
Edmund Hughes - ME + 10 to ME + 20
Sarah Freundlich - MA to MA + 10
Brittany Siringer - ME to ME + 10
Jane Goodall - BS to BS + 10
Jessica Bright - BA +10 to BA + 20
Rebecca Bigley - BS + 10 to BS + 20
11. Leave of Absence: Approve a request from Connie Doutt, High School, for a six week leave of absence, beginning August 27, 2012
12. Maternity Leave: Approve a request for maternity leave for Roxanne Drueschler, High School, from August 27, 2012 through January 18, 2013.
13. Retirement: Accept Jacob Kent's retirement request, Transportation Department, effective 07/01/12.
14. Resignation: Accept the following coaching resignations:
Greg Nickoli - Varsity assistant football coach
Tyson Porter - Volunteer assistant boys' soccer
15. Employment:
Rosemary McDaniel - Transportation, 4-hour bus driver, 1 year contract, effective August 27, 2012, step 8
Becki Smith - First Cook, high school, effective August 27, 2012
April Kaufman - Sub educational aide, pending successful completion of pre-employment requirements
Jannie Sorrenti - 6-hour general help, High School, effective 2012-2013 school year
16. Coaching Recommendations: Approve the following coaching recommendation for 2012-13:
Kassi Ernsberger - Freshmen volleyball
Amy Stewart - Junior High cheerleading
Whitney Farrar - Junior High swim
Greg Nickoli - Volunteer varsity assistance football
17. Tuition Students: Approve the following tuition students for the 2012-13 school year:
Katie Them - Continuing, High School, grade 12
Chloe Buchanan - Continuing, High School, grade 10
Julia Maxwell - Continuing, High School, grade 10
Darian Delbrugge - Continuing, Central, grade 3
Abby Miller - New, High School, grade 9
Rylee Frost - New, Kindergarten
Nick Caudill - 12th grade, non-resident, waiver of tuition for senior year
18. Substitute List: Approve the Lexington substitute lists & the complete substitute lists dated 08/17/2012 as presented by MOESC
Motion by _________________, seconded by _____________________ to approve items 8-18.
19. Executive Session: Motion by _________________, seconded by _____________, to enter into executive session to consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual unless the public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual requests a public hearing and negotiations.
The Board entered into executive session at _____________.
The Board returned to open session at __________________.
Discussion Items:
1. Public Records Training
2. OSBA Capital Conference Delegate and Alternate
20. Adjournment: Motion by ____________, seconded by ___________ to adjourn.