On February 25, LHS students Makaree C., Gage P., Malaina W., and Julia W. attended the Rotary Club of Mansfield’s Lunch-In! They were introduced to the club, and Mr. Saris highlighted their achievements at LHS. Congrats to these outstanding students!

Students at both Central and Western participated in a Mock Caldecott Contest! They learned that the Caldecott Medal is an award given to the illustrator of the most distinguished picture book of the year. After weeks of reading, exploring illustrations, and engaging in ...

Dr. Berry’s 6th-grade math students hit the track for Race Day with Composite Area! Working with their pit crews, they solved composite area problems to race their way to the finish line! A fun and competitive way to put their math skills to the test!

Congratulations to the Lexington High School Orchestra for earning straight 1's at Dublin Scioto High School for the OMEA State Adjudication! Their hard work, dedication, and talent truly paid off, and they’ve set the bar high for excellence.

Congratulations to Coulter S. for finishing as the runner-up in the Richland County Spelling Bee! Your dedication, hard work, and impressive spelling skills took you all the way to the final round. We are so proud of your achievement!

Lucy is back in Kindergarten at Western Elementary! She loves spending time with the students and listening to them read. Nothing beats a good book and a furry friend!

Lexington families welcomed students and teachers from Costa Rica! They had an amazing time experiencing our culture—and for many, seeing snow and feeling cold temperatures for the first time! What a memorable exchange!

Mr. Hoffman and his Studio Jewelry students took a field trip to Rego Jewelers in Bucyrus to see large-scale jewelry manufacturing in action! With 50 employees and an annual revenue of $10–$12 million, Rego Jewelers gave students an inside look at the industry. They also ...

Valentine’s Day was extra special at Eastern, thanks to a group of kindhearted girls who gave up their recess to create over 500 heart-shaped pins for every student and staff member! Their generosity made the day even more meaningful!

Members of the High School Leadership Council attended a Leadership Conference at Wooster High School. They shared their community outreach efforts with fellow OCC schools and took part in interactive leadership activities with other OCC athletes. A great day of growth ...

Central’s annual 3rd Grade Spelling Bee was a great success! Congratulations to Keith R., this year’s champion! Way to go, Keith, and to all the students who participated—you made us proud!

 Congratulations to Logan B., who had the incredible honor of performing with the Ohio All-State Orchestra in Cleveland on Friday, February 7. What an amazing achievement!

Central students had a fantastic time on their field trip to the Mansfield Symphony Orchestra for the "Link Up: The Orchestra Rocks" concert at the Renaissance Theater. They enjoyed the live music and discovered the power of the orchestra!

First graders at Western celebrated the 100th day of school with tons of counting activities, building their math skills while having fun. What a great way to mark this milestone!

Congratulations to the 6th grade and JH Mathcounts teams who competed at Ashland University. 6th grade team: Ben C, Monte C, Grayson W, Conner D JH team: Ebube E, Elijah E, Emma E, Marissa R, Harrison R Special congrats to Ebube E and Elijah E who made the top 10 in ...

Congratulations to the 5th grade academic challenge teams who took 5th and 6th out of 34 teams. Teams consisted of Violet H., Jax E., Robbie S., Nolan H. and Noah B., Ben T., and Addy M.

Eastern's 6th grade Academic Challenge took 1st place out of 32 teams at their meet on Jan. 28th. The first place team consisted of Ben M., Monte C., Ina G., and Emily S.

Sixth graders in Mrs. Smith's science classes had fun using the Ohio Energy activities. They learned about energy conservation and energy usage.

Great job to our Eastern Spelling Bee participants: Charlie P., Caden L., Peyton F., and Addy M. Special congrats and good luck to Addy and Caden, who made the top 18 in Richland County and are headed to the Tri-County Bee!

A new semester means new robots in the STEM Lab! Under Mr. Dewey’s guidance, 8th-grade students have been busy building Vex IQ base bots to tackle their first STEM challenge: navigating an obstacle course. They were all excellent bot navigators!

Do you want to build a snowman? Mrs. Lohr’s class did a fantastic job using life-size snowmen to show their winter stories' beginning, middle, and end. Keep up the great work!

Before winter break, Eastern’s Military Kids collected and delivered gifts to nursing home residents at Lexington Court Care Center, and they were so appreciative of each gift! It is nice to make their holidays a little brighter!

Kyland and Mrs. Galbraith had a fantastic day of learning at Central, where building strong relationships is always a top priority!

Congratulations to the string students who performed at Region Orchestra at Ashland High School. Great job, Owen G., Logan B., Ben W., Emma T., Annie H., Sylvia S., Alexis F., and Iris P. We are proud of you!

Congratulations to Addy B., Lexington junior, who has been selected as the Pioneer Career & Technology Center’s December Student of the Month. Keep up the great work, Addy!

Students in Dr. Berry’s math class used the book "Picture Pie" as inspiration to make pictures entirely out of circles and fractions of circles. They then had to add fractions, find ratios to compare them, and convert them to decimals and percents!

Third-grade students at Central read three versions of “Stone Soup,” compared and contrasted versions, and discussed the morals of kindness, generosity, and gratitude. Then, each student brought in an ingredient, and together, they created 'stone soup' and enjoyed a ...

The students at Eastern love when Mr. Grist stops in the art room, and Mrs. Haas seldom lets him leave without creating something with them. On his last visit, they drew self-portraits. Thanks for creating with them, Mr. Grist!

Lex Leadership Council members had an unforgettable experience at the MOESC Leadership Conference, where they heard an inspiring presentation from former Ohio State and NFL wide receiver, Roy Hall Jr.! Thank you, Mr. Hall, for motivating our future leaders!

Western Elementary proudly celebrated our military kids and their families on Friday with a breakfast in their honor. It was a special time to show gratitude for their service and the sacrifices they make for our country. We are so grateful for each of them!

Rotary Club of Mansfield Lunch
Rotary Club of Mansfield Lunch
Caldecott Contest
Caldecott Contest
Race Day with Composite Area
Race Day with Composite Area
OMEA State Adjudication
OMEA State Adjudication
Richland County Spelling Bee
Richland County Spelling Bee
Kindergarteners Read With Lucy
Kindergarteners Read With Lucy
Visitors From Costa Rica
Visitors From Costa Rica
Studio Jewelry Field Trip
Studio Jewelry Field Trip
Valentine's Day Heart Pins
Valentine's Day Heart Pins
High School Leadership Council
High School Leadership Council
Central Spelling Bee
Central Spelling Bee
Ohio All State Orchestra
Ohio All State Orchestra
Renaissance Theater Field Trip
Renaissance Theater Field Trip
First Graders Celebrate 100th Day
First Graders Celebrate 100th Day
MathCounts Teams
MathCounts Teams
5th Grade Academic Challenge Team
5th Grade Academic Challenge Team
6th Grade Academic Challenge Team
6th Grade Academic Challenge Team
Ohio Energy Activities
Ohio Energy Activities
Eastern Spelling Bee
Eastern Spelling Bee
Mr. Dewey's Robotic Classes
Mr. Dewey's Robotic Classes
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
Delivering Gifts to Nursing Home
Delivering Gifts to Nursing Home
Kyland and Mrs. Galbraith
Kyland and Mrs. Galbraith
Region Orchestra
Region Orchestra
Pioneer December Student of the Month
Pioneer December Student of the Month
Picture Pie
Picture Pie
Stone Soup
Stone Soup
Mr. Grist Self Portrait
Mr. Grist Self Portrait
Lex Leadership Council
Lex Leadership Council
Veterans Day Breakfast
Veterans Day Breakfast


Western Elementary Welcomes You to the Military Family Resource Page!

We hope you will find the links to the resources helpful. 

We thank you for your service!

Military Discount Guide - https://dealhack.com/blog/military-discounts-guide

The Dealhack Military Discount Guide is the result of a quarterly survey of brands that offer active-duty military and veteran discounts. Every three months, each and every store on this list is independently verified. The list is then conveniently broken down into categories, and can also be saved in PDF form and used as the ultimate reference guide for active military and veteran discounts.

Military One Click - http://militaryoneclick.com/25-programs-non-profits-for-military-kids/

The site provides links to twenty-five programs and non-profits for military kids.

Our Military Kids - http://ourmilitarykids.org/

Our Military Kids, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports children, ages 5-12th grade, of deployed National Guard and Reserve service members and children of wounded warriors from all service branches. Grants pay for participation in activities that help children cope with stress and anxiety while their parents are recovering or absent.

OMK Ohio Military Kids - https://ohio4h.org/statewide-programs/ohio-military-kids

Supports the youth of military families throughout the deployment cycle.

Military Child Education Coalition - http://www.militarychild.org/

The Military Child Education Coalition or MCEC is a worldwide non-profit organization whose goal is to serve as a model of positive leadership and advocacy for all military children. Their mission is to ensure inclusive, quality educational experiences and opportunities for all military children affected by mobility, family separation, and transition. They provide responsive and relevant support systems and resources such as Students at the Center as well as free professional training and programs such as Student 2 Student and Parent 2 Parent for families in transition.

Boys and Girls Clubs of America - MISSION: YOUTH OUTREACH - https://www.bgca.org/about-us/military

Boys & Girls Clubs of America know that times of national crisis can dramatically disrupt a military family’s life. The MISSION: Youth Outreach partnership supports military youth, ages 6 to 18 who are coping with a deployed parent by creating a positive, supportive network. Through this partnership, children of National Guard, Reserve, and Active Duty families, who do not live near or have access to a military Youth Center, can receive a free membership to their local Boys & Girls Club.

Military One Sourcehttp://www.militaryonesource.mil/

Finding fun activities for your children can teach them life skills without boring them. Learn about military youth programs and summer camps available for your family.

Supporting Ohio's Military Families - http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Other-Resources/Family-and-Community-Engagement/Supporting-Ohio-s-Military-Families

Ohio offers a number of programs to assist military families.

National Military Family Association - www.militaryfamily.org

NMFA is the voice of military families because, for 48 years, we have proven that we stand behind service members, their spouses, and their children. Our Association is the “go to” source for Administration Officials, Members of Congress, and key decision makers when they want to understand the issues facing our families.

Military Tutor - https://military.tutor.com/home

Online tutoring and homework help for U.S. military and their families provided 24/7 at no cost by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance.

March 2 Success - www.March2success.com

March 2 Success provides an online study program to help students prepare for standardized tests, improve school work and review materials.

VFW Auxillary National Organization Scholarships - https://vfwauxiliary.org/scholarships/

The VFW Auxiliary is proud to offer scholarships and participate in scholarship contests that promote patriotism, assist students in furthering their education and help students reach their full potential.






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